Director’s Corner
The Director's Corner covers Association news and industry events from the worldview perspective of the AAPG Executive Director.
There is a saying I have heard, that "growing old is mandatory, but growing up is ...
As I watched the disaster from the earthquake and tsunam...
This year for New Year's Eve I returned to an old f...
I "Googled" the Internet to see if I could fin...
The success of any professional association is the degr...
"Where there is an open mind, there will always be...
One of the primary conclusions in AAPG's strategic...
Once more I am taking up golf. I was an enthusiast at a young age, and often played mo...
I hired a landscaper to do some work on my yard, whose main job was to cut down two sm...
There is an old Greek proverb that says, "Act quic...
John Wooden, the Hall of Fame college basketball coach ...
Every year I field a lot of fair questions about the GeoCare Insurance Program.