EMD Column
The Energy Minerals Division (EMD), a division of AAPG, is dedicated to addressing the special concerns of energy resource geologists working with energy resources other than conventional oil and gas, providing a vehicle to keep abreast of the latest developments in the geosciences and associated technology. EMD works in concert with the Division of Environmental Geosciences to serve energy resource and environmental geologists.
In the coming year, the Energy Minerals Division is looking to improve and expand its info...
Oil shale is a rich petroleum source rock that never got bu...
In virtually all regions of sustained production, the in...
Over the past year or so we have observed strong evidenc...
To address some of what appear to be competing issues, the ...
When you need in-depth, science-based information on sha...
Every six months, chairs of the Energy Minerals Division...
A recent story about Shell’s withdrawal from a lon...
Even with a year of preparation as president-elect, I fi...
In my 15 years as an AAPG member, I’ve actively be...
The AAPG Energy Minerals Division covers many scientific...
AAPG’s Energy and Minerals Division (EMD) has been...