Policy Watch
Policy Watch is a monthly column of the EXPLORER written by the director of AAPG's Geoscience and Energy Office in Washington, D.C. *In 2013 Policy Watch became the name for the Washington Watch column.
Congress returns to work this month after its August recess...
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) continues...
Every presidential election features news stories and polit...
A hard look at biofuels: The spring of 2008 will not be remembered fondly in Haiti. The s...
Early in the morning of March 5, a group of professionals g...
Just a few years ago uttering the words 'carbon sequestrati...
The first session of the 110th Congress finished in De...
It has been just over two years since GEO-DC opened its ...
David K. Curtiss has assumed the directorship of the AAP...
One of our primary goals at GEO-DC is to help policy makers...
Forecasting events in Washington has a probability function...
We enjoyed working with Governmental Affairs Committee Chair (GAC) Carl J. Smith and DP...