President's Column
AAPG Presidents offer thoughts and information about their experiences for the Association.
It's appropriate in this season of remembering to recogn...
As our profession and our industry has become even more ...
I find it ironic that George Mitchell, the 'father of hy...
I hope this successful running of the RMS annual meeting...
Some people dominantly think of AAPG as a scientific association; some as a professional a...
AAPG must be able to nimbly and efficiently anticipate as w...
Well, much as promised by my predecessors, the yea...
AAPG is working to include our female colleagues in many...
Our volunteers help shape most of our business activitie...
Today, in my capacity as president of AAPG, working in c...
I have heard many of our faithful members distinguish AA...
My “to-do” list and those of the AAPG Execut...