In this Issue:
Web exclusive: Geologist-artist Greg Wessel blends his two ...
The results are in: new AAPG officers have been elected.
Building the bridge, one mind at a time: AAPG President Sco...
Salaries for petroleum geologists were relatively steady la...
AAPG's Young Professionals are energized and ready to make an impact, starting with a slew of activities and opportunities at...
Teacher of the Year Ty Robinson's best teaching tool is the state of Utah itself.
Bracket busting? Ten geology departments from around the world are set for this year's Imperial Barrel Awards competition in D...
A combination of experience and conviction has contributed to the successful career of AAPG Explorer of the Year Michael Johns...
Marlan Downey leads the list of those who will receive AAPG Honors and Awards at the Opening Session.
A very important topic will be opened for discussion at the AAPG House of Delegates (HoD) meeting in Denver on Sunday, June 7.
J. Fred Read, professor of geology at Virginia Tech University and a recipient of this year's AAPG Grover E. Murray Distinguis...
AAPG's three Divisions have announced the results of their officer elections. The respective executive committees will be seat...
Executive Director, Rick Fritz, recalls what it was like to be a rookie petroleum geologist.
In her final column, Rebecca Dodge, reminds the association to share their knowledge about environmental geosciences.
In this month's Geophysical Corner the authors illustrate the use of a technique known as corendering to assist fault interpre...
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a finding that carbon dioxide and several other greenhouse gases endangered publi...
industry sponsorships of IBA support a program that this year expanded to include stu...
The activities for this annual meeting include a campaign launch and the Chairmen’s reception.
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