In this Issue:
Acquiring all the necessary permits from various governmental agenci...
As the calendar turns to September I am struck by the similarity bet...
There's still time to save money by registering early for t...
An important deadline is looming for those who want to submit an abstract for the next AAP...
Eleven speakers have been announced for this year's Disting...
The demands of the E&P marketplace are growing -- and w...
For more than 30 years the VGP has been sending qualified, professional geologists to colleges and universities around the wor...
Even with a proven product and willing investors putting together a big money deal can be a daunting project.
To some, the academic world of colleges and universities represents Ivory Towers, det...
The AAPG 2007 Education Calendar is in the final production stages, and when it's delivered to you in an upcoming EXPLORER you...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This time-worn admonition appears to have been ignored by certain administrators at Louisiana...
The annual meeting of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, which will use a unique, high-tech site for its tech...
There is an increasing need for geologists who understand the development of unconventional reservoirs, such as exploitation o...
As one of my colleagues and fellow DEG members recently pointed out, what the DEG has to offer its members should be much more...
A fundamental premise of seismic stratigraphy is that seismic reflections follow chronostratigraphic surfaces, not lithostrati...
This month the Senate will take up the bill addressing leasing the OCS Area 181 in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. The expectation...
The AAPG Eastern Section was founded in 1977 in Washington, D.C., by a council of AAPG associated societies. The Section has b...
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