In this Issue:
Commercial space exploration is on the rise, and they need astronaut...
Maybe drawing a line in the sand isn't the best approach to climate ...
If the recent evidence of an uptick in acquisitions and divestiture ...
Drones, satellites and software advances are transforming exploratio...
New developments in digital rocks and digital outcrop models continu...
Thinking about your career? If so, think about this: AAPG m...
In the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving on Nov. 23. ...
The sun shone on London in mid-October as AAPG continued it...
The Energy Minerals Division was organized in 1977 as an in...
One of the first questions a seismic interpreter must ask is how to recognize and characterize the reservoir. Understanding th...
Since the '40s, the stated objective of the Venezuelan government was to use oil reve...
Amid one of the worst oil busts in decades, drilling has increased and the Permian Basin is busier than ever. Young profession...
The AAPG Foundation Trustee Associates gathered in September at the beautiful Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine to celebrate b...
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