HoD to Consider Membership Classifications
Delegates will consider three proposals at the House of Delegates meeting at the AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition in Long Beach, Calif.
Two of the proposals deal with change of membership classifications.
House Chair Jeff Lund said the proposals were generated from the HoD Constitution and Bylaws Committee, chaired by Dave Entzminger.
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Delegates will consider three proposals at the House of Delegates meeting at the AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition in Long Beach, Calif.
Two of the proposals deal with change of membership classifications.
House Chair Jeff Lund said the proposals were generated from the HoD Constitution and Bylaws Committee, chaired by Dave Entzminger.
The membership classification proposals are:
- Membership Simplification Proposal.
- Membership Class Solution Proposal.
- Delegates also will consider a Strategic Plan Amendment proposing “any recommendations to the Executive Committee involving potential amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall also be forwarded to the House of Delegates for review and comment.”
Both of the membership classification proposals address the present member classifications of the Association (Active, Emeritus, Honorary, Student and Associate) with the aim of simplifying and clarifying the classification scheme.
The C&BLC voted unanimously at its meeting to present both proposals at the Long Beach meeting for delegate discussion of both proposals.
Both proposals are forwarded without endorsement from the C&BLC.
After discussion on the House floor, an informal vote could be solicited from the delegates to establish which proposal or parts of the proposals, if any, the House would endorse.
The C&BLC would then rewrite the appropriate sections of the bylaws needed to follow the House’s endorsement and bring it to a formal vote in 2013.
The proposals have been sent to delegates and are published online. The specific proposals and a discussion area are accessible from the AAPG website front.
Member comments are invited.