Every year AAPG’s Student Chapter Committee looks for ways to engage student chapters from all over the world in AAPG activities.
According to Richard Ball, chair of the AAPG Student Chapters committee, they are “constantly working to develop new programs to engage and retain students.”
During discussions in August at the Student Chapter Leadership Summit, annually submitted student chapter reports became the focus.
Most years, Mike Mlynek, AAPG assistant membership manager, has received student chapter reports in a written format. He also observed that many of these chapters were “using Twitter and well-designed web pages to do great things with their chapter.” But apparently that wasn’t coming across in the report.
As the discussion progressed they realized some of these reports didn’t reflect the involvement and activity as well as student chapters’ Facebook pages, Twitter feeds or websites.
Then some chapters submitted their reports in video format but not written. This inspired the group to organize a YouTube video contest.
Take It To The … Internet
The contest was announced in February and student chapters had until March 3 to submit a link to their five-minute (or less) video posted to YouTube.
Once Mlynek received the link, he posted it to the AAPG Student Facebook page where followers were encouraged to vote for their favorite video with a “like” choice.
The members of the Student Chapter Committee then voted for their first, second and third choices. These votes were weighted, compiled with the popular vote and the end result was held onto until the annual meeting.
At the Student Reception in Long Beach, the Suez Canal University (video #6 on the AAPG YouTube channel in the AAPG Video Vault on the website) was announced as the first winner of the AAPG Student Chapter YouTube contest.
They were thrilled.
Not only did they win $400 for their chapter, they have set the standard for future participants.
“The Chapter’s attention to detail was incredible, everything flowed together so well,” Ball said. “After reviewing all videos submitted on the inaugural year of this competition, I can certainly say the bar has been set very high.
“I might add that they made amazing use of music and computer graphics,” he said.
When asked what he might say to the Suez Canal students if he could speak to them face-to-face, Ball replied “The effort you put into assembling this video clearly paid off, in that your team was the first to ever win this award. You are clearly embodying the spirit of the AAPG by providing your student members with such great activities and teamwork.”
3-2-1 Knock Out!
The program was such a success they will be doing it again for the 2013 ACE in Pittsburgh.
“The YouTube program is our newest program, and was designed by students who attend the Global Student Chapter Leadership Summit,” Ball said. “It is just another example of how empowering students can help the AAPG.”
Mlynek indicated they will be aggressively looking for sponsors for this program so they may offer a second and third place award. Currently, there is a first, second and third place award given to both U.S. and international student chapters based off the written reports.
The University of Indonesia and UNPAD (Padjadjaran) student chapters tied as seconds to Suez Canal’s effort. Their videos may be seen on the AAPG YouTube channel: UI is video #8; UNPAD is video #5.
Bring it!
“I’d like to remind all chapters that this contest provides an easy way to amplify the work your chapter has already completed,” Ball said. “I suggest EVERY student chapter designates/elects a videographer and gets involved in the competition.
“Next year, the competition is going to be bigger and better – so get ready to bring your A-game.”
To view all videos submitted in this contest, go to the AAPG YouTube channel.
Good browsing!