Beaumont Takes Helm of AAPG

Edward A. “Ted” Beaumont, senior geologist with SM Energy in Tulsa, assumed the presidency of AAPG on July 1.

Beaumont, a native of Albuquerque, N.M., holds a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of New Mexico and a master’s from the University of Kansas. He served as an exploration geologist with Cities Service Oil Co. and was AAPG science director from 1980-85 before becoming an independent consultant.

He was co-editor with the late Norman H. Foster for the AAPG Treatise, which was a multi-volume project commemorating AAPG’s 75th anniversary in 1992, and was also editor of Exploration Techniques in North America and numerous other papers.

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Edward A. “Ted” Beaumont, senior geologist with SM Energy in Tulsa, assumed the presidency of AAPG on July 1.

Beaumont, a native of Albuquerque, N.M., holds a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of New Mexico and a master’s from the University of Kansas. He served as an exploration geologist with Cities Service Oil Co. and was AAPG science director from 1980-85 before becoming an independent consultant.

He was co-editor with the late Norman H. Foster for the AAPG Treatise, which was a multi-volume project commemorating AAPG’s 75th anniversary in 1992, and was also editor of Exploration Techniques in North America and numerous other papers.

He and Foster won the AAPG Special Award (now Harrison Schmitt Award) in 1991 for their work on the Treatise, and Beaumont received an AAPG Distinguished Service Award in 1992.

He joined SM Energy in 2010 as senior geologist and is an AAPG Foundation Trustee Associate.

Joining Beaumont on the Executive Committee is Lee Krystinik, principal and founder of Fossil Creek Resources in Arlington, Texas, who recently was voted president-elect and will serve as AAPG president in 2013-14.

Krystinik holds a bachelor’s in geology from the University of Texas at Arlington and a master’s and doctorate in geology from Princeton University.

He has served as research geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, and was with Reservoirs Inc. and Union Pacific Resources before becoming a consultant. He was global chief geologist with ConocoPhillips before founding Fossil Creek.

Others elected to the 2012-13 AAPG Executive Committee are:

  • Vice president-Sections – Thomas E. Ewing, geoscientist and partner, Yegua Energy Associates, and geoscientist, Frontera Exploration Consultants, San Antonio.
  • Treasurer – Deborah K. Sacrey, owner, Auburn Energy, Houston.

Both the vice president-Sections and treasurer will serve two-year terms.

Others on the 2012-13 committee – and serving their final year of their term of service – are:

  • Denise M. Cox, Storm Energy, Panama City, Fla., secretary.
  • Stuart D. Harker, Circle Oil Plc, Finchampstead, England, vice president-Regions.
  • AAPG Elected Editor Stephen Laubach, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas.

Also on the new committee will be R. Randy Ray, an independent geologist in Denver and chief geophysicist for Underground Energy Co., who has assumed the chair of the House of Delegates.

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