Student Member Status Expanded
A reminder: AAPG Student members who graduated this fiscal year (between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011) now can choose to retain “Student” status for an additional 24 months after graduation – and take advantage of the lower Student dues rate of $10.
Those with a non-North America mailing address must also pay the $10 mail surcharge.
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A reminder: AAPG Student members who graduated this fiscal year (between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011) now can choose to retain “Student” status for an additional 24 months after graduation – and take advantage of the lower Student dues rate of $10.
Those with a non-North America mailing address must also pay the $10 mail surcharge.
This new option is being offered due to a bylaw change approved by the AAPG House of Delegates to help recent graduates with their transition to employment – and Active status.
Recent graduates taking advantage of this opportunity to extend their current Student status will be reclassified as a “Student YP” (student/young professional).
An important note: All recent graduates choosing to continue as a Student member are personally responsible for remittance of the $10 dues and mail surcharge. These dues cannot be paid by the Corporate Sponsorship program (currently funded by Chevron), because those funds are available only for those actively/remain enrolled in school.
AAPG’s goal remains for all qualified Student (and new Associate) members to apply for advancement to Active status as soon as they meet the experience requirement.
Visit the membership area of AAPG's website or contact Member Services (918) 584-2555 – to request a form.