Meeting Challenges, Assuring Success

“Meeting Challenges, 
Assuring Success.”

This is the theme that has led the efforts and planning for the AAPG Foundation’s Fundraising Campaign. Each year the Foundation has solid requests and needs that we cannot fund – that is why we set a stretch goal to $35 million by the end of 2011.

I am happy to announce that today we have raised nearly $29 million toward our goal. I also am proud to announce that 85 percent of this money was donated and pledged from the Trustee Associates of the AAPG Foundation. Leaders like Austin and Marta Weeks, Boone Pickens, Larry Funkhouser and Jack Threat have led the way in giving. Their leadership and efforts, along with those of the AAPG Foundation Trustees, have made this campaign successful.

The most common phrase I hear from AAPG members who give is, “I am grateful for my career and the support AAPG has provided. I feel now is the time to give back to my profession.”

Please note their testimonials scattered throughout this EXPLORER and displayed on the AAPG Foundation home page.

A $35 million goal is a stretch, but keep in mind the bulk of the monies raised are in the form of endowments for the future of AAPG’s student, science and educational programs.

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“Meeting Challenges, 
Assuring Success.”

This is the theme that has led the efforts and planning for the AAPG Foundation’s Fundraising Campaign. Each year the Foundation has solid requests and needs that we cannot fund – that is why we set a stretch goal to $35 million by the end of 2011.

I am happy to announce that today we have raised nearly $29 million toward our goal. I also am proud to announce that 85 percent of this money was donated and pledged from the Trustee Associates of the AAPG Foundation. Leaders like Austin and Marta Weeks, Boone Pickens, Larry Funkhouser and Jack Threat have led the way in giving. Their leadership and efforts, along with those of the AAPG Foundation Trustees, have made this campaign successful.

The most common phrase I hear from AAPG members who give is, “I am grateful for my career and the support AAPG has provided. I feel now is the time to give back to my profession.”

Please note their testimonials scattered throughout this EXPLORER and displayed on the AAPG Foundation home page.

A $35 million goal is a stretch, but keep in mind the bulk of the monies raised are in the form of endowments for the future of AAPG’s student, science and educational programs.

It also allows AAPG to do more with K-12 programs, especially in conjunction with good programs – such as those of AGI. These endowments represent a long-term resource that will be available in perpetuity for our profession and children.

We also are in the process of asking industry to provide capital to fund immediate resources to launch new programs.

The great humanitarian Albert Schweitzer said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

One of the areas where the Foundation has raised money is in support of public service and awareness. Two years ago, then-AAPG president Scott Tinker approached the Foundation about supporting a film that was to be called “The Bridge,” which is designed to tell the public the basic facts about all forms of energy with interviews of world leaders, scientists and energy experts. These interviews are combined with film footage of key energy systems around the world.

The message is in the form of a question: “How do you bridge from our current energy resources to those of the future?”

The film is expected to finish and air in 2011. For those who are interested, there is still a financial need and time for support of the projects. Please contact the AAPG Foundation.

If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.

If you want happiness for a day, go fishing (my favorite).

If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.

If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.

The above is one of my favorite Chinese proverbs. I quote it to emphasize our need for your help to close out the campaign.

Currently, 10 percent of Active and Associate members give to the AAPG Foundation. We are asking for broader support from you as we complete this campaign.

The Foundation has sent a few brochures with requests for giving – one in the July EXPLORER and one via mail. A donation or a pledge can be made:

Winston Churchill was fond of saying:

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”

Please consider giving now for the health and needs of our profession in the near and far future. 

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