Foundation Goal In Members' Hands

The AAPG Foundation’s five-year, $35 million campaign is in the final phase.

The good news is that over $28.8 million has been raised; the challenge is that we still have a $6.2 million gap to close before we reach our goal.

There are two ways you can help – make a significant contribution, and/or involve your company.

Please consider adding a donation to the AAPG Foundation when you send in your dues statement.

Make a donation online.

See the status of campaign pledges and contributions, and a list of programs and projects supported.

New officers were elected by the Foundation Trustee Associates during the group’s 33rd annual meeting, which was held recently in Greensboro, Ga.

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The AAPG Foundation’s five-year, $35 million campaign is in the final phase.

The good news is that over $28.8 million has been raised; the challenge is that we still have a $6.2 million gap to close before we reach our goal.

There are two ways you can help – make a significant contribution, and/or involve your company.

Please consider adding a donation to the AAPG Foundation when you send in your dues statement.

Make a donation online.

See the status of campaign pledges and contributions, and a list of programs and projects supported.

New officers were elected by the Foundation Trustee Associates during the group’s 33rd annual meeting, which was held recently in Greensboro, Ga.

The newly elected Trustee Associate officers are:

  • Chairman – Jerry Namy, Fort Worth (one-year term).
  • Vice chairman – Jay Henthorne, Wooster, Ohio (one-year term).

They join Stewart Henry, of Forth Worth, who will be serving the second year of his two-year term as secretary-treasurer.

During the business meeting, which was chaired by Ed Heath:

  • Jack Threet presented the Chairman’s Award to Scotty Holland.
  • Reports were given by Henry, Vice Chairman Dick Bishop, Executive Director Rick Fritz and Campaign Co-Chair Jack Threet.
  • A special presentation was given by AAPG member Richard Nehring titled, “Understanding World Oil Recovery Growth.”
  • An update on The Bridge documentary project was given by Scott Tinker.

The business meetings were interspersed between a variety of other events, including a geological field trip to study the “Geology of the Elberton Granite District,” led by Paul Schroeder, professor and associate head of the University of Georgia’s Department of Geology.

Elberton is one of the world’s largest capitols for production and processing of dimension stone, and during the trip the group toured a blue granite quarry, a granite production and processing operation and a museum.

The AAPG Foundation Trustees was started in 1978 to support the AAPG Foundation, provide counsel and leadership to its Trustees, lend support to its fundraising efforts and guide the Foundation’s scientific and educational agenda.

Today there are approximately 274 Trustee Associates members.

More information on the group can be found on the AAPG Foundation website – and if you are interested in becoming a member contact Natalie Adams.

Next year’s Trustee Associate meeting will be held Sept. 7-11, at the Ritz-Carlton Highlands, Lake Tahoe, Calif.

Two deadlines involving the Foundation’s Grants-in-Aid program are approaching.

♦ First, nominations for L. Austin Weeks Undergraduate Grants must be received at AAPG headquarters by Dec. 15.

The program, funded through an endowment from L. Austin Weeks, is intended to support both undergraduate students and their respective AAPG Student Chapters. Nominees need not be members of AAPG, but they must be members of an AAPG Student Chapter

The grants are for $1,000 each – half goes to the student and half goes to the Student Chapter in support of educational activities, including equipment, conferences, field trips, etc.

For more details, contact program coordinator Angela Taylor-Shepherd.

For an application and additional information go to

♦ Also, the AAPG Foundation is currently receiving applications for its 2011 AAPG Grants-in-Aid Program.

Geoscience graduate students are encouraged to begin the online application process immediately, as it involves multiple steps. A total of $181,000 will be awarded.

The application deadline is Jan. 31.

Students are encouraged to review our restricted named and memorial grants.

For more information, go to The Foundation website.

For information on how your gift can make the greatest impact, go to the Foundation Web site; or contact Natalie Adams , Foundation manager, (918) 560-2644.

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