Reduced Registration Fee Deadline for ICE is June 27
Registration continues online for this year’s AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, which will be held Sept. 16-19 at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center in Singapore.
As always, registering early can result in substantial savings; members who register on or before June 27 can save up to $280 off the regular fees.
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Registration continues online for this year’s AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, which will be held Sept. 16-19 at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center in Singapore.
As always, registering early can result in substantial savings; members who register on or before June 27 can save up to $280 off the regular fees.
The meeting theme is “Asia-Pacific Resources: Fueling the Future.” More than 400 oral presentations and poster sessions have been selected for the technical program, organized around five areas:
- Exploring and Developing Asia-Pacific’s Petroleum Provinces.
- Trap, Source, Reservoir and Seal Definition.
- The Past Is the Key to the Future.
- Facing the Future’s Challenges Today.
- New Dimensions in Global Unconventional Resources.
Specific areas that will draw the technical spotlight include looks at the Asia-Pacific’s shale gas potential, shale liquids and coalbed methane plays.
Among the special events that will be part of the program:
♦ A Discovery Thinking Forum, an ongoing presentation of the AAPG 100th Anniversary Committee’s program celebrating significant discoveries, for the first time will be part of an ICE.
The forum will feature five speakers who will discuss “Important Discoveries and Creative Thinking,” with a special focus on Europe and Southeast Asia.
Those speakers are:
- Arild Jørstad, exploration geoscientist, Lundin (“The New Giant Johan Sverdrup Discovery, Norway”).
- Fred Wehr, exploration and development manager Apache, David Phelps and Eric Phinney (“Two Deep Mungaroo Gas Discoveries in the Carnarvon Basin, Australia – Context and Implications for Further Prospectivity”).
- Bernard Duval, associate professor, IFP (“Creative Thinking Led to 40 Years of Success in Mahakam, Indonesia”).
- Lawrence D. “Trey” Meckel III, exploration manager and chief geologist, Tately N.V. (“Exploring a 19th Century Basin in the 21st Century: Seeing the North Sumatra Basin with New Eyes”).
- Sam Algar, vice president-Asia Pacific exploration, Murphy Oil (“Deepwater Northwest Borneo: Big Oil from ‘Gas-Prone’ Source Rocks and Leaking Traps”).
- Scott Tinker, director of the Bureau of Economic Geology and the state geologist of Texas, will be speaking at the ICE Featured Speaker Luncheon, discussing “The Global Energy Transition: What Will It Take to Make the Switch.”
- The movie “Switch,” featuring Tinker, will be screened at a special ICE event.