Divisions Announce Election Results
Election results are in and new officers have been announced for AAPG’s three divisions.
In all cases the president-elect terms are for 2012-13, with the officer assuming the division presidency for 2013-14.
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Election results are in and new officers have been announced for AAPG’s three divisions.
In all cases the president-elect terms are for 2012-13, with the officer assuming the division presidency for 2013-14.
The results are:
Division of Environmental Geosciences
- President-elect – Douglas E. Wyatt Jr., URS Corp., Aiken, S.C.
- Vice president (one-year term) – Michael S. Hagan, E Tech Environmental and Safety Solutions, Midland, Texas.
- Editor-in-Chief (two-year term) – Kristin M. Carter, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey, Pittsburgh.
The newly elected officers will be joined on the DEG Executive Committee by president Tom J. Temples, independent, Clemson, S.C.; secretary-treasurer M. Jane Ellis-McNaboe, EnviroTech Consultants, Bakersfield, Calif.; and past president Douglas C. Peters, consultant, Golden, Colo.
Division of Professional Affairs
- President-elect – Valary L. Schulz, Cinco Resources Inc., Dallas.
- Vice president (one-year term) – Paul H. Pause, consultant, Midland, Texas.
- Treasurer (two-year term) – Debra P. Osborne, COG Operating, Midland, Texas.
They will be joined on the DPA committee by president Charles Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston; secretary Mark Gallagher, Encana, Dallas; and past president Martin D. Hewitt, Nexen Petroleum USA, Plano, Texas.
Energy Minerals Division
- President-elect – Jeremy Boak, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo.
- Vice president (one-year term) – Robert A. Trevail, Dallas Energy, Freedom, Pa.
- Secretary (two-year term) – Bruce Handley, consultant, Houston.
They join president Andrea Reynolds, Shell Exploration, Warrendale, Pa.; treasurer David Tabet, Utah Geological Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah; and past president Stephen M. Testa, State Mining and Geology Board, Sacramento, Calif.