Catching Up With the Eastern Section YPs

The Eastern Section Young Professional network is composed of a growing number of early career geoscientists spanning 23 states, Washington D.C. and Ontario, Canada. Currently, the bulk of our activity stems out of Pittsburgh. However, the early career geoscientists of the Eastern Section are excited to begin expanding their network into other Eastern Section cities.

A Look Ahead, and Back

For the year to come, the Eastern Section YPs have three goals:

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The author (center) mixing with other YPs at the recent “Pass the Baton” event in Pittsburgh.

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The Eastern Section Young Professional network is composed of a growing number of early career geoscientists spanning 23 states, Washington D.C. and Ontario, Canada. Currently, the bulk of our activity stems out of Pittsburgh. However, the early career geoscientists of the Eastern Section are excited to begin expanding their network into other Eastern Section cities.

A Look Ahead, and Back

For the year to come, the Eastern Section YPs have three goals:

  • Establish two additional Eastern Section YP chapters in an effort to support a broader geographic range of YPs in our Section.
  • Recruit three dedicated and enthusiastic YPs to co-chair Eastern Section committees.
  • Work with Eastern Section leadership to educate our Student and YP Members about the different levels of AAPG membership, as well as the benefits of maintaining an active role within our organization.

Over the past year, the Eastern Section YPs have been busier than ever. If you haven’t had an opportunity to check out our events, here is a recap of some of the recent activities:

  • The Eastern Section YPs hosted a meet and greet in September following the first day of technical sessions at our annual meeting in Lexington, Ky. More than 50 AAPG Members attended, making it the most well attended gathering the Eastern Section YPs have hosted since our inception.
  • YP Travel Grants: Thanks to the generous funding by AAPG to help support YP growth and development, the Eastern Section YP Committee was able to provide six Eastern Section YPs with two nights of accommodations at the section meeting in Lexington.

Event Spotlight

The successful panel discussion event co-hosted with the Division of Professional Affairs (DPA), “Pass the Baton: Mentoring, Networking and your Career” was held May 8 in Pittsburgh. The panel was comprised of one moderator and a diverse group of five experienced professionals who engaged in an informative and invigorating discussion, sharing their personal experiences and advice with two dozen Eastern Section YPs. The event was held in a private dining room, creating a distraction-free space where everyone was able to speak candidly and interact comfortably with the panel members.

Panel members openly shared stories about their career as geoscientists, discussing not only the successes, but also the failures they experienced along the way. They made many helpful suggestions to the audience, advising early career geoscientists on ways they can be proactive during this challenging time. The YP and DPA organizers informed the audience of the multitude of resources that exist within our organization for those who have lost their job and are experiencing a career transition.

The event was a great success, achieving a handful of important objectives the organizers set out to attain. Thanks to a diverse panel, including geologists from many different niches within our industry, audience members were able to gain an understanding of how each panel member weathered the storm of previous industry downturns.

Getting Involved

If the panel discussion sounds like an event you would have liked to attend, fear not! The entire discussion was video recorded and is located on the Young Professionals page of the Eastern Section website at for all to view.

Want to be a part of the Eastern Section YP community? If you are interested in learning more about Eastern Section YP events (past and future), or would like to contact the Eastern Section YP liaison, you can also find contact information and an up-to-date calendar of events and highlights on the Eastern Section website.

If you’re interested in volunteering with the AAPG YP Special Interest Group, or just want to learn more about YP initiatives in your area, visit us online at and contact your Region or Section YP coordinator. You can also ‘like’ us on the AAPG Young Professionals Special Interest Group Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @aapgypsig.

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