Interviewing for that first internship or full-time position can be a daunting process – but the AAPG YPs are here to help.
If you’re joining the job hunt next year and/or considering attending one of the many job expos offered by AAPG, then this short guide is for you.
The first tip: A little bit of research and preparation can go a long way toward landing the summer internship or job of your dreams. And who better to show you the way than former expo attendees who are now sitting on the other side of the interview table as YPs?
AAPG, in collaboration with other geoscience societies around the world, organizes student expos throughout the year, which provide geoscience students and recruiters from oil and gas companies a great opportunity to meet and network with one another.
Most companies pre-select the students they’d like to interview before the expo begins – but do not be discouraged if you arrive at the expo without any scheduled interviews. Some companies will interview candidates they meet at the event (just be prepared to stand in line for a chance to speak with a recruiter).
To make your meeting efficient, students are advised to register for the expo and submit a resumé early, submit a poster to showcase their achievements and research the companies in attendance in advance.
The expos are held throughout the year, across the United States and around the world. More information can be found at
Each expo is unique in the benefits it offers.
One difference: The job offerings often are related to the time of year, coinciding with different “recruitment cycles,” and with the geographic location.
Also, not all companies attend every expo. It is important to note that while some companies may hire interns and full-time employees based on the recruitment cycles, others hire throughout the year, depending on the immediate needs of the company.
A suggestion: Students should speak with colleagues who have previously attended the expos in order to assess which expo might be right for them.
Still unsure? Ask a YP, because many YPs had their start in the industry by attending a student expo.
The Houston expo, given its location in the oil and gas capital of the world, hosts one of the largest groups of companies and students each year, offering opportunities not just in that city but around the world.
In fact, the number of people and competition for positions may overwhelm students attending for the first time. However, it is important to remember the companies are seeking individuals that fit their requirements, both in terms of technical expertise and their corporate culture.
One of the events that received a warm welcome during the 2013 Houston expo was the Recruitment Panel. This forum provided an opportunity for YPs and seasoned professionals to share their expo experiences as both students and recruiters and to answer students’ questions.
There is no single formula for success, but learning how to promote yourself and your abilities in a professional context will be a key part of launching your career. The expos are excellent venues for perfecting this skill.
If you would like to know more about what it is like to work in the industry, visit the YP website at and contact the YP representative in your area.