A Night Out with Rocky Mountain YPs
With the shuttering of many Denver offices and an ever-looming specter of low priced oil it was refreshing to see a healthy mix of Young Professionals (YP’s) come out for the Rocky Mountain Section’s recent Happy Hour on Sept. 28 at Morton’s the Steakhouse in Lower Downtown. There were 20 participants from the likes of Whiting Petroleum, QEP Resources, BP, Rocky Mountain Hydrocarbon, Synergy Resources, Sigma Cubed, Crescent Point Energy, World Energy Partners and Crestone Peak Resources.
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With the shuttering of many Denver offices and an ever-looming specter of low priced oil it was refreshing to see a healthy mix of Young Professionals (YP’s) come out for the Rocky Mountain Section’s recent Happy Hour on Sept. 28 at Morton’s the Steakhouse in Lower Downtown. There were 20 participants from the likes of Whiting Petroleum, QEP Resources, BP, Rocky Mountain Hydrocarbon, Synergy Resources, Sigma Cubed, Crescent Point Energy, World Energy Partners and Crestone Peak Resources.
Many YP’s are still looking for work or trying to prove themselves capable of tackling greater roles and responsibilities. This latest entertaining and engaging event provided both résumé critiquing as well as complimentary headshots.
A finely crafted résumé should be constantly evaluated and updated even if you are not actively searching for a new job. In the unfortunate event that you have to go looking for work, being prepared will make the search less daunting. It can also come in handy if you are asking for a raise or new position at your current company. A well-documented history of your professional activities, including workshops and training may just be the edge you need to remind your higher-ups of how much value you bring to the table.
Putting your best foot forward includes a professional presentation. With the recent explosion of social media pages and the heavy reliance on them by businesses to evaluate candidates and interact with the public, it is imperative that candidates represent themselves well. At the Thursday evening event attendees were offered the opportunity to get a complimentary professional head shot in between noshes of filet sandwiches and crab cakes.
It was a great night out and we look forward to the continued participation of all our YPs. If you’re interested in volunteering with the AAPG YP Special Interest Group, or just want to learn more about YP initiatives in your area, visit us online at http://aapg.org/youngpros and contact your Region or Section YP coordinator. You can also ‘like’ us on the AAPG Young Professionals Special Interest Group Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @aapgypsig.