System Switchover Makes Strides

www update

It's finally here!

We here at AAPG headquarters have been working hard for months to upgrade our member relationship computer system, and after a very LONG July with lots of headaches and long hours, the new system is in place.

For staff, this means easier, more efficient access to data — but the real question is, what does this mean to you as a member?

Well, the biggest change you will see as a member is online. The new system is totally integrated with your Members Only area; previously the Web site and main system were slightly out of sync, as they were communicating only once or twice a day.

Now, when you see something in "Members Only," it is the same thing the AAPG staff members see when we look you up in our computers.

One of the main features requested by members over the past few years is the ability to change their passwords — and this new system makes that a reality!

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It's finally here!

We here at AAPG headquarters have been working hard for months to upgrade our member relationship computer system, and after a very LONG July with lots of headaches and long hours, the new system is in place.

For staff, this means easier, more efficient access to data — but the real question is, what does this mean to you as a member?

Well, the biggest change you will see as a member is online. The new system is totally integrated with your Members Only area; previously the Web site and main system were slightly out of sync, as they were communicating only once or twice a day.

Now, when you see something in "Members Only," it is the same thing the AAPG staff members see when we look you up in our computers.

One of the main features requested by members over the past few years is the ability to change their passwords — and this new system makes that a reality!

Once you are logged on to Members Only, click the link marked "Profile" and then find the gray "security" button near the right-hand side of your screen. On the "Security Edit" screen you can put in a password you would like to use.

The password is encrypted in our system, which means not even AAPG staff can view it.

But if you lose it, never fear; there is a "Reset my password" link on the log-in screen (this takes a few steps and requires that we have a valid e-mail address on file for you), or you can contact the membership department and have them manually set it to whatever you like.

While you are on that Profile screen:

  • Is your address correct? If not, click the gray "edit" button to put in your correct phone number, e-mail or mailing address.
  • Note the "bio" link, where you can update the professional biography you have on file with us.
  • If you haven't yet paid your dues for this year, you can take care of that online by clicking the "events and orders" button, or the "Dues" link on your Members Only home page.
  • Help AAPG find "Lost Members" page whose current address information is not on file with AAPG. If you know how to find anyone on that list, an e-mail back to us can help update our files.

Also available online:

  • The AAPG Bookstore has moved to our servers, so now we can fill your orders more quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Registration for education courses is available in the new Members Only area, and pre-registration for conventions and other meetings will be added to this system as they become available.
  • You can make a donation to the AAPG Foundation, either in conjunction with dues payment or at any time during the year.

All of these functions go into one unified "shopping cart" — you can buy a book, make a donation, sign up for a course and pay your dues all in one place and with only one credit card transaction!

All credit card information is encrypted over secure channels, so using your card on our site is as safe as — or safer than — giving your card to a waiter at a restaurant.

As with any new computer system, there are just a few potholes and speed bumps to know about.

In order to receive member pricing on bookstore orders, you must log in before you put items in your shopping cart. If you don't you will have to empty your cart and re-add all of your items.

(The simplest thing to do is to select "Yes" next to "Save password" on the Login screen and you will automatically be logged in the next time you visit.)

The Foundation Contribution site, while easy to use, is not yet as self-explanatory as we would like — but you can click the "FAQs and Helps" link for more answers and more detailed instructions.

The bug in some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows that was introduced not too long ago is still affecting our gold "One Login" button for the BULLETIN Online. Again, the "FAQs and Helps" page has information that can help.

(We expect to have this fixed very soon.)

A few systems, such as the DPA Directory and EMD Members Only area, have yet to migrate to the new system, but you can expect to see that happen very soon as well.

Finally, if you have trouble logging in and you know you are using the correct password, be aware that your Web browser must accept cookies from our site to log in. Just enable cookies for "" ( will not work!) and you should be okay.

We are very excited about this new system! More than 600 members logged on and updated their personal information in the last week of July alone. More than 130 members paid dues and more than 50 bookstore orders came in during that same one-week period.

If you have not logged in to the new system, why not give it a try?

If you have a valid e-mail address on file with us, you should have received your initial password in your e-mail; if not, contact the AAPG membership department to add an e-mail address to your information and set your new password.

We will be adding new features to Members Only (and other parts of the AAPG Web site) in the coming months, so get on board now and experience this new benefit of membership!

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