Beware of Robot Geology

Perhaps a review — and awareness — of the past may make us better geologists in the future.

Perhaps a review — and awareness — of the past may make us better geologists in the future.

"Robot Geology," a geologic note by Walter K. Link, AAPG BULLETIN, Volume 38, December 1954:

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Perhaps a review — and awareness — of the past may make us better geologists in the future.

"Robot Geology," a geologic note by Walter K. Link, AAPG BULLETIN, Volume 38, December 1954:

"We are now in an electronic and nuclear age. Great calculating machines have been built that devour figures and come out with answers that would take a battery of men years to calculate."

" … some of our educational institutions are substituting machines of this kind for field geology, laboratory work and many of the old and tried methods of teaching."

"Geology is a science in which the human factor is of utmost importance, where a man's judgment, his freedom to observe, suggest and think comes into play."

"Somehow I hate to see budding geologists feeding machines numbers. They should be out in the field learning how to get the right numbers to put into the infernal machines."

An antediluvian voice, opinionated, dogmatic, outdated — and yet??

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