House Ready for Houston

Say Goodbye to COCBAP

When an AAPG annual meeting is held in June one year and in March the next, the intervening business year is obviously shortened by three months. This was one of those years.

Thanks to the rapid response of the volunteers serving on our House of Delegates' committees, however, we have completed the business at hand and are prepared to address those issues at the upcoming HoD meeting in Houston.

Over the past several years, the HoD has made decisions on a large number of legislative and internal issues. The fact that the number of issues before us today is somewhat less than at any recent meeting indicates to me that the organization is at present settling into the changes made as a result of those aforementioned decisions.

Of course, this does not mean that the AAPG is now a static entity. On the contrary, the AAPG is a vibrant, ever-changing professional association responsive to the needs of its members.

This may well be the last meeting in which we hear or use the acronym "COCBAP."

As you will no doubt recall, the Executive Committee created an Ad Hoc Committee on Constitution and Bylaw Amendment Process (COCBAP) on March 1, 1998. At first the issues were very divisive and many heated discussions ensued concerning the merits of each.

You'll recall that last year in Denver, the House defeated the COCBAP3 Resolution and then approved the Constitution and Bylaws Committee's COCBAP2 Resolution to formalize a mechanism through which to obtain comments from each of the three governing bodies on amendments affecting any one of them.

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When an AAPG annual meeting is held in June one year and in March the next, the intervening business year is obviously shortened by three months. This was one of those years.

Thanks to the rapid response of the volunteers serving on our House of Delegates' committees, however, we have completed the business at hand and are prepared to address those issues at the upcoming HoD meeting in Houston.

Over the past several years, the HoD has made decisions on a large number of legislative and internal issues. The fact that the number of issues before us today is somewhat less than at any recent meeting indicates to me that the organization is at present settling into the changes made as a result of those aforementioned decisions.

Of course, this does not mean that the AAPG is now a static entity. On the contrary, the AAPG is a vibrant, ever-changing professional association responsive to the needs of its members.

This may well be the last meeting in which we hear or use the acronym "COCBAP."

As you will no doubt recall, the Executive Committee created an Ad Hoc Committee on Constitution and Bylaw Amendment Process (COCBAP) on March 1, 1998. At first the issues were very divisive and many heated discussions ensued concerning the merits of each.

You'll recall that last year in Denver, the House defeated the COCBAP3 Resolution and then approved the Constitution and Bylaws Committee's COCBAP2 Resolution to formalize a mechanism through which to obtain comments from each of the three governing bodies on amendments affecting any one of them.

This mechanism already had been implemented in spirit during the prior two years in deliberations among the Advisory Council and HoD, and it has worked beautifully. Communication and cooperation are alive and well.

As previously noted, AAPG is a vibrant, ever-changing organization, and the HoD plays an active role in ensuring its responsiveness to the membership.

Communication is the key to that responsiveness.

Your officers, committee chairs and committee members have communicated with all of you this year through Delegates' Breakfasts, The Delegates' Voice and via the HoD Forum on the AAPG Web site. The breakfasts provide opportunity for face-to-face meetings, but are too brief to get to the heart of legislation and issues. The DV is today's most effective means of communication.

In addition, both last year and this, your officers and committee chairs have posted articles on the Forum as another means of addressing the issues and putting information before you, the Delegates, in a faster, more timely manner.

Please note — AAPG is moving at an ever increasing and expanding pace into the electronic future. The Web site changes daily, and in the very near future will contain a one-stop online shopping center for digital geo-scientific data with key word and GIS search capabilities.

With that in mind, I urge you to become more familiar with the Web site — and with the Forum in particular, with its interactive design for delegate input on matters of concern.

Most matters before the House will be concluded at the meeting on March 10. There are, however, several ongoing issues that have not come to fruition this year, which deserve future consideration.

➤ The Resolutions Committee was asked to review affiliated society delegate representation. It was found that there were 15 affiliated societies with no elected delegates, and seven affiliated societies were under-represented in their delegate count.

In other words, AAPG members assigned to those societies were not being fully represented in any legislative process.

The Resolutions Committee sent letters to each of those affiliated societies notifying them of their respective delegate deficiencies. A few societies responded and have since corrected the situation. Other affiliated societies have an opportunity to add delegates through the current year's election process.

The HoD and the Resolutions Committee should continue to work with those societies in the effort to reach a full complement of delegates.

➤ The review of new membership applications is one of the most important duties required of delegates — but it has become a focus of some concern.

A delegate from the affiliated society where a new applicant resides is the logical choice to check out the applicant's qualifications for AAPG membership. Based on past experience, the review process for many applicants is unduly long because the delegate doing the review doesn't act quickly in either the review process and/or in reporting back to the AAPG staff with a recommendation.

If we are to continue to grow the organization, all delegates should take this responsibility very seriously and move the application process along as swiftly as possible in order to maintain the interest of the applicant.

➤ Although recruiting new members is not an official delegate duty, who is in a better position to do so than we delegates? Members of the HoD are leaders of their respective local societies and know most of the local geologists and earth scientists.

As leaders in both AAPG and in our profession, we need to approach our fellow geologists and earth scientists and invite them to apply for AAPG membership.

HoD Headliners

Delegates will cast their ballots during their meeting in Houston for new HoD officers. The candidates are:


  • George Eynon, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Calgary, Canada.
  • J. Michael Party, Wagner & Brown, Midland, Texas.


  • Katharine Lee Avary, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Morgantown,W. Va.
  • Ronald L. Grubbs, Garb Grubbs Harris & Associates, Dallas.

Also during the annual meeting, five members will receive HoD honors and awards . Those to be honored are:

Honorary Membership Award

  • Willard R. Green, Green Energy Resources, Midland, Texas.

Distinguished Member Award

  • Jean R. Lemmon, consultant, Tulsa.
  • Tom Mairs, consulting geologist, Tulsa.

Long Service Award

  • Patrick Daugherty, consultant, Wichita Falls, Texas.

House Certificate of Merit

  • Edward D. Dolly, Anschutz Exploration, Denver

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