Subsurface Technology Traced Through Time

'Seeing' Into the Earth …

The science of geology has always been about "seeing" into the earth — a discipline founded on the skill of early practitioners to divine the subsurface by studying topographical features.

While surface mapping was effective, pioneering geologists longed for methods that would allow them the chance to actually study the rocks. Technological innovations in the petroleum industry afforded those early geologists with their first look at the subsurface — not seismic, but rather the first well logging techniques.

In 1927 a quantum change in geologists' ability to see into the earth occurred when Henri Doll and the Schlumberger brothers made the first downhole electrical measurements. Using a wire cable with electrodes, they were able to measure formation resistivity.

"The very first hand-drawn log listed the geologic layers next to the resistivity readings, so from the beginning well logs and geology have gone hand in hand," said Brian Clark, technology center manager for Schlumberger Oilfield Services.

"The motivation for their experiment was to help interpret surface electrical measurements," he continued. "At the time, few envisioned the impact that resistivity logging would have on hydrocarbon detection."

Spontaneous potential was discovered shortly after the first successful resistivity logs were achieved and SP logs were used to indicate porous formations. Together SP and resistivity well logs were used for well-to-well correlations, allowing geologists to draw the big picture.

Quantum Leaps

The next quantum leap in downhole geology technologies came in the 1960s, when the first borehole images were captured with televiewers that measure reflected acoustic waves.

The amplitudes of these reflected waves showed fractures, vugs and lithology changes.

Computer processed log interpretation also started in the 1960s with the advent of digital computers, Clark said.

"The integrated interpretation of all available log data, such as resistivity, SP, natural gamma ray, sonic, neutron and density was treated as an optimization problem," he said. "This technique gave a mineralogical interpretation of the subsurface."

Check shots and vertical seismic profiles, or VSPs, were the first downhole techniques that gave geologists the ability to look away from the borehole, using surface sources and downhole receivers. Amazingly, these methods were proposed in 1917, but were first developed in Russia in the 1960s.

"VSP images add definition to seismic reflectors near the wellbore," Clark added, "and improve the quality of correlation between surface seismic and well logs."

Downhole geology technology has come a long way since those advancements in the first part of the century through the 1960s, thanks largely to a rapid acceleration in the evolution of downhole measurements since the late 1980s.

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The science of geology has always been about "seeing" into the earth — a discipline founded on the skill of early practitioners to divine the subsurface by studying topographical features.

While surface mapping was effective, pioneering geologists longed for methods that would allow them the chance to actually study the rocks. Technological innovations in the petroleum industry afforded those early geologists with their first look at the subsurface — not seismic, but rather the first well logging techniques.

In 1927 a quantum change in geologists' ability to see into the earth occurred when Henri Doll and the Schlumberger brothers made the first downhole electrical measurements. Using a wire cable with electrodes, they were able to measure formation resistivity.

"The very first hand-drawn log listed the geologic layers next to the resistivity readings, so from the beginning well logs and geology have gone hand in hand," said Brian Clark, technology center manager for Schlumberger Oilfield Services.

"The motivation for their experiment was to help interpret surface electrical measurements," he continued. "At the time, few envisioned the impact that resistivity logging would have on hydrocarbon detection."

Spontaneous potential was discovered shortly after the first successful resistivity logs were achieved and SP logs were used to indicate porous formations. Together SP and resistivity well logs were used for well-to-well correlations, allowing geologists to draw the big picture.

Quantum Leaps

The next quantum leap in downhole geology technologies came in the 1960s, when the first borehole images were captured with televiewers that measure reflected acoustic waves.

The amplitudes of these reflected waves showed fractures, vugs and lithology changes.

Computer processed log interpretation also started in the 1960s with the advent of digital computers, Clark said.

"The integrated interpretation of all available log data, such as resistivity, SP, natural gamma ray, sonic, neutron and density was treated as an optimization problem," he said. "This technique gave a mineralogical interpretation of the subsurface."

Check shots and vertical seismic profiles, or VSPs, were the first downhole techniques that gave geologists the ability to look away from the borehole, using surface sources and downhole receivers. Amazingly, these methods were proposed in 1917, but were first developed in Russia in the 1960s.

"VSP images add definition to seismic reflectors near the wellbore," Clark added, "and improve the quality of correlation between surface seismic and well logs."

Downhole geology technology has come a long way since those advancements in the first part of the century through the 1960s, thanks largely to a rapid acceleration in the evolution of downhole measurements since the late 1980s.

Many factors have contributed to this technology explosion, Clark said, including:

  • Greater computing power.
  • Electronics that can survive severe operating conditions.
  • Enhanced sensor physics.
  • Communication and data-delivery systems that offer real-time capabilities.

"The result," he said, "has been a broader spectrum of measurements and improved accuracy, reliability and ease of acquisition and interpretation."

Technological Advances

Today high-resolution electrical images of the borehole are routinely obtained on wireline, yielding a resolution of 0.2 inches. In water-based muds, such images are used to see lithology, sand count, unconformities and rock texture. Electrical imaging also is widely used to see fractures.

Major steps in downhole geology include:

➤ Logging while drilling, or LWD, where the formation properties are measured just after they have been drilled.

Electrodes on a rotating LWD collar produce 360-degree images of the formation reistivity. These images can be transmitted to the rig floor and even to the office in real time.

"Such real time images help geologists detect and identify structures and features, and their interpretation helps the driller make timely decisions about the well trajectory," Clark said.

Another feature: LWD images give quantitative resistivities.

In contrast to resistivity images, which require a conductive, water based mud, real-time logging while drilling density images can be obtained in any mud type. A rotating LWD collar measures density in 16 azimuthal sectors, with one-foot axial resolution.

"This resolution can be sufficient to identify dipping beds and structural dip," Clark said. "This characteristic 'U' indicates that the borehole is passing upward through a higher density bed."

➤ Geosteering, which allows scientists to use real time geological interpretation to steer a well.

Geosteering can place the wellbore with an accuracy of about one foot relative to the formation boundaries at horizontal drilling distances exceeding 10 kilometers, he said.

➤ Magnetic resonance logging, which is "a major step forward in seeing into the earth," Clark said.

"It is a penetrating microscope that can detect geometric features down to the micron level, he continued.

The distribution of transverse relaxation times, or T2s, is related to the pore size distribution and to how fluid molecules are distributed. In small pores, molecules in the pore fluids collide quickly with the matrix and their magnetization is short lived.

Clay-bound water has the shortest T2s, typically less than three milliseconds. Capillary bound water has T2s between three and 33 milliseconds, while oil and free water typically have T2s greater than 33 milliseconds and are producible fluids.

"Geologists and petrophysicists can improve their understanding of pore geometry for depositional analysis from T2 distributions," Clark said. "Reservoir engineers can use high-resolution magnetic resonance logs to locate vertical permeability barriers. Hydrocarbon characterization has improved by interpreting magnetic resonance logs in combination with other logging measurements."

Quantitative formation lithology can be obtained using nuclear spectroscopy, where the elements silicon, calcium, iron, sulfur, titanium and gadolinium are identified by the characteristic gamma-rays they emit after capturing neutrons.

This nuclear activation process provides the basis for accurate mineralogical analysis used to identify and quantify clays, quartz, carbonates, pyrites, salt, coal and other minerals.

"This technology greatly reduces the uncertainty in log interpretation," Clark said, "and provides a powerful new tool for cross-well correlation."

Looking Ahead

New downhole technologies are expected in the near future, Clark said.

In highly deviated and horizontal wells it is important to see geologic features that do not intersect the borehole, and there is a need for downhole measurements that can see much deeper than conventional logging tools.

"One approach is deep acoustic imaging using a wireline tool with an array of acoustic transducers," he said. "The resulting traces are processed in a manner similar to seismic to identify reflectors, but direct arrivals and borehole modes are significant noise sources and must be handled carefully."

One example from the Toll Field in the North Sea showed a calcite stringer imaged about 30 feet away from the wellbore. Such calcite stringers are barriers to vertical flow, Clark said, and affect the well's ability to produce.

➤ In exploration drilling it can be critical to know the correct time-to-depth conversion for the seismic section so that the driller can plan the right well trajectory to hit the target formation or to stop and case before drilling into a high pressure zone. The conventional approach would be to trip out of the well and run a wireline checkshot, or VSP — at significant rig time and additional expense.

A new LWD service uses a surface air gun and downhole receivers to provide real time checkshots. When adding a 90-foot stand of drill pipe, the measurement is made without disrupting the drilling process.

The LWD tool detects the seismic waves, processes the data to obtain an arrival time and transmits it to the surface.

"In one example, an LWD checkshot obtained at 1,870 meters was used to improve the time-to-depth conversion, and this placed a high-pressure target at 2,580 meters, with an uncertainty of 120 meters," Clark said. "Subsequent real time checkshots were used to improve the target depth estimates, which changed downward by 90 meters, and to reduce the uncertainty of its position."

This technique can have a significant impact on drilling costs and drilling safety, especially in deepwater and under salt.

"In some cases reflectors can be seen hundreds of meters ahead of the drill bit," he said, "indicating that real time VSPs are one the horizon."

While oil-based and synthetic muds are in wide use because they improve borehole stability, reduce formation damage in water sensitive formations, and increase the rate of penetration, they have prohibited high-resolution electrical imaging — until now.

Clark said a new wireline imager works in non-conductive muds and provides a resolution of 0.4 inches. A side benefit of this is that it provides quantitative resistivities.

➤ Modern computing technology and visualization methods continue to evolve — and improve.

Analogs derived from outcrops, photos, cores, ground penetrating radar, GPS data and other sources will be stored and manipulated as digital objects and used to create realistic reservoir models.

"The oil and gas industry faces mounting challenges to reduce finding and producing costs, to increase recoverable reserves from the traditional average of 35 percent to 65 percent or higher and to maximize asset value," Clark said. "These challenges are all the more difficult because most new prospects are in deepwater or remote areas where costs and risks are high. These new fields tend to be smaller and more complex.

"Meanwhile, the world's existing reservoirs are rapidly aging and developing problems," he continued. "Plus, our industry is being asked to do more with less, particularly with the worldwide downsizing of the oilfield workforce.

In other words, new technologies are critical to overcoming these challenges — and will fundamentally change the way reservoirs are managed.

"Rather than reacting to problems, we will anticipate and prevent problems and will optimize the flow and sweep of hydrocarbons and overall recovery," Clark said.

"The prize is enormous — each 1 percent increase in oil recovery equals one year's consumption at current demand."

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