Global Discoveries 2002

Major Discoveries of 2002

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The following are the highlights of the major discoveries of 2002 reported through December 1 by IHS Energy.

Discoveries are listed by country, operator, well name, basin, on- or offshore notation and oil/gas test status.



  • BP, Plutao 1A, Congo Fan, deep water, oil, 5,357 bo/d.
  • Gabgoc, Gabela 1, Congo Fan, deep water, oil, 1,000 bo/d.
  • ExxonMobil, Reco-Reco 1, Congo Fan, deep water, oil, 2,640 bo/d.

Cote d'Ivoire

  • Ranger, Kossipo 1, Cote d'Ivoire, deep water, oil, Sub-commercial .


  • ExxonMobil, Badila 1, Doba Trough, land, oil, Sub-commercial.


  • Apache, Abu Sir 1, Nile Delta, deep water, gas, 17.4 MMcf/d.
  • Apache, Karama SE 1, Abu Gharadiq, land, oil, 1,100 bo/d.
  • Apache, Lahun 1, Gindi, land, oil, 15 bo/d.
  • Apache, Selkit 1, Shoushan, land, oil, 5,635 bo/d.
  • Devon, Gebel el Zeit Sw 2, Gulf of Suez, offshore, oil, 3,916 bo/d.
  • Dublin, Hana South 1, Gulf of Suez, land, oil, 1,800 bo/d.
  • Gupco, Razzak 29, Alamein sub-basin, land, oil, 5,200 bo/d.
  • Gupco, Razzak North 1, Alamein sub-basin, land, oil, 2,321 bo/d.
  • IEOC, Fahd 1, Levantine Deep M., offshore, gas, 7.5 MMcf/d.
  • Khalda, Ozoris 1, Northern Egypt, land, oil & gas, 2,504 bo/d., 0.75 MMcf/d.
  • Khalda, Tut 52, Shoushan, land, gas & condensate, 29.2 MMcf/d, 781 bc/d.
  • Merlon, El Mansoura 3, Nile Delta, land, gas, 22.8 MMcf/d.
  • Petrobel, Belayim Marine 72ST, Gulf of Suez, offshore, oil, 473 bo/d.
  • Petrobel, Belayim land 113-106, Gulf of Suez, offshore, oil, 1,890 bo/d.
  • Qarun, Karama NE 1, Abu Gharadiq, land, oil, 700 bo/d.
  • Qarun, Karama SW 1, Abu Gharadiq, land, oil, 2,000 bo/d.
  • Wepco, Tarfa Twin 1, Alamein sub-basin, land, oil, 201 bo/d.


  • Perenco, Alpha 1, N Gabon sub-basin, offshore, oil, 6,300 bo/d.
  • Pioineer, Gnadi Marin 1, S. Gabon sub-basin, offshore, oil, 2,000 bo/d.


  • Repsol, A-001-NC190, Murzuq, land, oil, 605 bo/d.
  • Wintershall, N-001-097, Sirte, land, oil, 3,177 bo/d.


  • Woodside, Chinguetti 4-2, deep water, oil & gas, 1,560 bo/d.


  • Addax, Oron West 1, Niger Delta, land, oil, 3,116 bo/d.
  • Elf, Ofon South 1, Niger Delta, offshore, oil, 900 bo/d.
  • Elf, Usan 1, Niger Delta, deep water, oil, 5,000 bo/d.
  • Shell, Bolia 1, Niger Delta, deep water, oil, 6,000 bo/d.


  • Gnpoc, Diffra, Muglad, land, oil & gas, 1,000 bo/d., 9.3 MMcf/d.
  • Gnpoc, Diffra West 1, Muglad, land, oil, 6,000 bo/d.
  • Gnpoc, Hamam 1, Muglad, land, oil & gas, 3,200 bo/d.


  • Agip, Adam 1, Ghadames Basin, land, oil & gas, 3,750 bo/d., 1.4 MMcf/d.
  • Agip, Baraka SW 1, offshore, oil & gas, 4,600 bo/d., 5.2 MMcf/d.



  • Inagip, Korina 1D, Adriatic, offshore, gas, Sub-commercial..
  • Ina-Naft Aplin, Kopcevec 1, Pannonian, land, gas, 13 MMcf/d.

Czech Republic

  • Ceska Naft, Postoma 1, Vienna, land, oil, 123 bo/d.


  • MOL, Szentmartonkata 1, Pannonian, land, gas & condensate, 2.3 MMcf/d., 87 bc/d.


  • Enterprise, 12/2-1, Rockall Trough, deepwater, oil, n/a.


  • ENI Spa, Panda 1, Caltanisetta, offshore, gas, 19 MMcf/d.

Netherlands (offshore)

  • Clyde, P/12-14, W. Netherlands, offshore, gas, 9 MMcf/d.
  • Wintershall, L/5b-9, NW German, offshore, gas, tested.


  • PGNG, Baczyna 2, Fore-Sudetic M, land, oil & gas, Sub-commercial.
  • PGNG, Baranowka 2, Carpathian F/d, land, gas, 3.8 MMcf/d.
  • PGNG, Debno 2, Carpathian F/d, land, gas, 2.2 MMcf/d.

  • PGNG, Jagiella 4, Carpathian F/d, land, gas, Sub-commercial.
  • PGNG, Leki 1, Fore-Sudetic M, land, gas, 24 MMcf/d.
  • PGNG, Witkowice 2, Carpathian F/d, land, gas, 7.6 MMcf/d.


  • Petrom, Mirosi 100, Moesian, land, oil, 80 bo/d.
  • Romgaz, Valea Seaca Est 1, Carpathian F/d, land, gas, 3.5 MMcf/d.
  • Wintershall, Sighisoara 3, Transylvanian, land, gas, 6.3 MMcf/d.

United Kingdom

  • Pancanadian, 15/22-16, Moray Firth, offshore, oil & gas, 6,274 bo/d., 3.9 MMcf/d.
  • Talisman, 21/1A-19, Moray Firth, offshore, oil & gas, 6,600 bo/d., 7.7 MMcf/d.
  • TotalFinaElf, 3/15-9A, East Shetlands, offshore, gas & condensate, 35 MMcf/d., 1,400 bc/d.



  • Pars Oil & Gas, SPO 1, Qatar Arch, offshore, oil, 3,500 bo/d.

Saudia Arabia

  • S. Aramco, Takhman 2, Rub'Al Khali, land, oil, gas & condensate, 3,470bo/d., 4.0 MMcf/d.
  • S. Aramco, Wared 1, Cen. Arabian Arch, land, oil, 2,300 bo/d., 1.1 MMcf/d.


  • Amity, Bevakoy, Thrace-Gallipoli, land, oil, 150 bo/d.
  • TPAO, Gokici 1, SE Turkey, land, oil, 500 bo/d.


  • Calvalley, Auqban 1, Sir-Sayun, land, oil, 750 bo/d.
  • TotalFinaElf, Amani 1, Sir-Sayun, land, oil, 130 bo/d.



  • Socar, Surahani, South Caspian, onshore, oil, 110 bo/d.


  • Agip KCO, Kalamkas More/Kerogly, North-Ustyurt, offshore, oil, 2,300 bo/d.
  • Petrom, Zhiniskekum 10, Turgay, land, oil, 541 bo/d.


  • Gazprom, Kamennomysskaya Severnaya 2, Ob Estuary, offshore, gas, 12.8 MMcf/d.
  • Gazprom, Chugoryakhinskaya 1, West Siberia, offshore, gas, 428 bo/d.
  • Lukoil, Chernushinskaya 86, Volga-Ural, land, oil, 1,200 bo/d.
  • Lukoil, Guryanovskaya 1, Volga-Ural, land, oil, 490 bo/d.
  • Tatneft, Astakhovskaya, Volga-Ural, land, oil, 139 bo/d.
  • Tatneft, Saraylinskaya 1, Volga-Ural, land, oil, 24 bo/d.
  • Tomskneftgazgiiol, Obskaya 3, West Siberia, land, oil, 117 bo/d.


  • Turkmengeologiya, Sabur Gundogar 1, Bakhardok M., land, gas, 9.1 MMcf/d.


  • Uzbekneftegaz, Aral Shimoly 1, North Ustyurt, land, gas, 5.1 MMcf/d.
  • Uzbekneftegaz, Oqnazar Shimoly 2, Beshkent Trough, land, gas, 2.1 MMcf/d.
  • Uzbekneftegaz, Surgil 1, North-Ustyurt, land, gas, Active, 3.9 MMcf/d.
  • Uzbekneftegaz, Uchsay 1, North-Ustyurt, land, gas, 4.3 MMcf/d.
  • Uzbekneftegaz, Urga Shimoly 1, North-Ustyurt, land, gas, 8.6 MMcf/d.



  • CNOOC, Baodao 19-2-2, Qiongdongnan, offshore, gas, not tested.
  • CNOOC, Dongfang 1-1S-1, Yinggehai, offshore, gas, not tested.
  • CNOOC, Dongfang 1-1N-1, Yinggehai, offshore, gas, not tested.
  • CNOOC, Yacheng 13-4-1, Qiongdongnan, offshore, gas, not tested.
  • CNOOC, Yacheng 13-6-1, Qiongdongnan, offshore, gas, not tested.
  • CNOOC, Suizhong 36-1W2, Bohai Gulf, offshore, oil, not tested.
  • CNOOC, Luda 10-1 1, Bohai Gulf, offshore, oil, not tested.
  • CNOOC, Panyu 34-1 1, Pearl River Mouth, offshore, gas, 13 MMcf/d.
  • Devon Energy, Panyu 6-4 1, Pearl River Mouth, offshore, oil, non commercial.
  • Petrochina-Tarim, Ake 1, Tarim, land, gas, 24.5 MMcf/d.
  • Petrochina-Tarim, Lungu 13, Tarim, land, oil & gas, 16.3 MMcf/d., 449 bo/d.
  • Petrochina-Tarim, Yingnan 2, Tarim, land, oil & gas, 6.3 MMcf/d., 29 bo/d.
  • Petrochina-Xinjiang, Shidong 2, Junggar, land, oil, 220 bo/d.
  • Petrochina-Xinjiang, Xi 5, Junggar, land, oil, 9 bo/d.
  • Sinopec-Shengli, Zhuanghai 10, Bohai Gulf, land, oil, +700 bo/d.
  • Sinopec-Shengli, Boshen 6, Bohai Gulf, land, oil & gas, 1,939 bo/d., 1.5 MMcf/d.
  • Sinopec-Star, Majing 10, Sichuan, land, gas & condensate, 2.1 MMcf/d., 3 bc/d.
  • Sinopec-W. Frontier, Zhuang 1, Junggar, land, oil, active.


  • BG, S. Harinagar 1, Cambay, offshore, oil, active, 1,300 bo/d.
  • Niko, Bheema 1, Cambay, offshore, gas, 15.9 MMcf/d.
  • ONGC, Sanarudravaram 1, Krishna Godavari, offshore, gas, 0.66 MMcf/d.
  • ONGC, B-170 2, Bombay, offshore, gas, 0.6 MMcf/d.
  • ONGC, Banmali 4, Upper Assam, land, oil & gas, 352 bo/d., 0.43 MMcf/d.
  • ONGC, Kural 3, Cambay, land, oil, 320 bo/d.
  • ONGC, Warosan 5, Cambay, land, oil & gas, 30 bo/d., 0.87 MMcf/d.
  • Reliance, Dhirubhai 1, Krishna Godavri, deep water, gas, 39.4 MMcf/d.


  • Devon, Sabar 1, South Sumatra, land, gas, not tested.
  • Exspan, Rambutan Deep 1, South Sumatra, land, gas, 4.75 MMcf/d.
  • Kodeco, KE 39-1, East Java, offshore, oil & gas, 557 bo/d., 11 MMcf/d.
  • Kodeco, KE 40-1, East Java, offshore, oil & gas, 2,400 bo/d. 1.69 MMcf/d.
  • Lapindo, Carat 1, East Java, land, gas, 2.3 MMcf/d.
  • Pertamina/Midoc, Pidawan, Tarakan, offshore, gas, 4.47 MMcf/d.
  • Pertamina, Sungai Gelam Deep 1, South Sumatra, land, gas, 2.69 MMcf/d.
  • Pertamina, Tambun Kalapa 1ST, West Java, land, oil & gas, 297 bo/d., 3.8 MMcf/d.
  • Santos, Maleo 1, East Java, offshore, gas, 13.5 MMcf/d.
  • Unocal, Ranggas West 1, Kutei, offshore, gas, not tested.


  • Carigali, Bunga Melati 1, Malay, offshore, gas, not tested.
  • Carigali, Bunga Raya W 1, Malay, offshore, oil & gas, not tested.
  • Murphy, Bagang 1, NW Sabah, offshore, gas, not tested.
  • CPOC, Muda South 1, Malay, offshore, gas & condensate, 10 MMcf/d, 20 bc/d.
  • CPOC, Jengka East 1, Malay, offshore, gas & condensate, not tested.


  • Focus, Htaukshabin 698, Minbu, land, oil, 70 bo/d.


  • OGDC, Chak-2-1, Lower Indus, land, gas & condensate, 10.8 MMcf/d, 425 bc/d.
  • OGDC, Chak-63-1, Lower Indus, land, oil & gas, 2,000 bo/d., 4 MMcf/d.
  • OGDC, Chak-66-1, Lower Indus, land, oil & gas, 150 bo/d., 1.7 MMcf/d.
  • OGDC, Norai Jagir 1, Lower Indus, land, gas & condensate, 9.5 MMcf/d.
  • OGDC, Resham 1, Lower Indus, land, gas condensate, 6.1 MMcf/d., 1,416 bc/d.
  • PPL, Khanpur X1, Middle Indus, land, gas, 11 MMcf/d.


  • PTTEP, SKJ 1X, Chao Phraya, land, oil, not tested.
  • PTTEP, Arthit 14-5ST, Malay, offshore, oil & gas, 2,826 bo/d., 6.54 MMcf/d.
  • PTTEP, Arthit 14-6X, Malay, offshore, gas & condensate, 23.8 MMcf/d., 278 bc/d.
  • PTTEP, Pikul 2X, Malay, offshore, gas, not tested.
  • PTTEP, BK-DEL 22, Malay, offshore, gas & condensate, not tested.


  • OMV, 111-HE 1X, Song Hong, offshore, gas, non commercial.
  • CLJOC, 15-1-SC 1X, Cuu Long, offshore, oil, 100 bo/d.
  • HLJOC, 09-2-CN 1X, Cuu Long, offshore, oil & gas, 2,500 bo/d., 6.6 MMcf/d.
  • HLJOC, 16-1-NO 1X, Cuu Long, offshore, oil, 250 bo/d.



  • Apache, Exeter 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil, 22m oil column.
  • Apache, Hoover 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil, 6m oil column.
  • Apache, Little Sandy 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil, 20.0m oil column.
  • Apache, Pedrika 1, Barrow-Sub Basin, offshore, oil, 7m oil column.
  • Apache, Simpson South 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil, 8m oil column.
  • Apache, Victoria 1, Barrow-Sub Basin, offshore, oil, 6m oil column.
  • Beach, Aldinga, Cooper-Eromanga, land, oil, 2m oil column.
  • Beach, Sellicks 1, Cooper, land, oil, 2,160 bo/d.
  • Mosaic Oil, Churchie 3, Surat, land, gas, 20 MMcf/d.
  • Mosaic Oil, Norkam 1, Surat, land, gas, 3.5m gas column.
  • Origin Energy, Hovea 2, Perth, land, gas, 16.5 MMcf/d.
  • Roc Oil, Cliff Head 2, Perth, offshore, oil, 25.5m oil column.
  • Santos, Buttress 1, Otway, land, gas, 46m gas column.
  • Santos, Norfolk 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil, 30m oil column.
  • Santos, Norfolk 2, Carnarvon, offshore, oil, 9m oil column.
  • Stuart Pet, Acrasia 1, Cooper-Eromanga, land, oil, 2,200 bo/d.
  • Stuart Pet, Acrasia 2, Cooper-Eromanga, land, oil, 6m oil column.
  • Woodside, Enfield 4, Barrow-Sub Basin, offshore, oil & gas, 18.1 oil column.

New Zealand

  • Marabella, Makino 1, Taranaki, land, oil, 6m oil column.



  • Astra, Granson 602, San Jorge, land, oil, 407 bo/d.
  • Astra, Grimbeek 610, San Jorge, land, oil, 69 bo/d.
  • Capex, Senillosa Centro 1002, Neuquen, land, gas, 0.7 MMcf/d.
  • CGC, Estancia La Mariposa 1001, San Jorge, land, gas, 5.4 MMcf/d.
  • Chevron, Cerro Arena 3, Neuquen, land, gas, 0.44 MMcf/d.
  • Chevron, El Galpon Norte, Austral, land, oil, 86 bo/d.
  • Dong Won, Puesto Climaco 5(H), Noroeste, land, oil, 1,510 bo/d.
  • Pan Am, San Pedrito 3, Tari, land, gas, 88.2 MMcf/d.
  • Petrobras, Puesta Zuniga 1001, Neuquen, land, gas & condensate, 9 MMcf/d., 516 bc/d.
  • Pioneer, Aguada Quinchao X-37, Neuquen, land, oil, 321 bo/d.
  • Pioneer, Borde Espinosa Este 1, Neuquen, land, oil, 228 bo/d.
  • Pioneer, Loma Farias Oeste X-1, Neuquen, land, oil, 327 bo/d.
  • Tecpet, Puesta Quiroga 0.1, San Jorge, land, oil & gas, 616 bo/d., 0.71 MMcf/d.
  • YPF, Cerro Hamaca Oeste 21, Neuquen, land, oil, 40 bo/d.
  • YPF, Cerro Negro 1, Neuquen, land, oil, 189 bo/d.
  • YPF, Rincon Blanco 1, Neuquen, land, oil, 358 b/d.


  • BNOCL, Flat Rock 1, NE Caribbean, land, oil, 29 bo/d.


  • Chaco, Kanata X-1, Chaco, land, gas & condensate, 1.6 MMcf/d., 263 bc/d.
  • Pluspet, Curiche X-1001, Chaco, land, gas, 3.9 MMcf/d.


  • Hocol, La Hocha 1, U. Magdalena, land, oil, 4,500 bo/d.
  • Repsol, Capachos 1ST, Llanos-Barinas, land, oil, 4,500 bo/d.


  • Sherritt, Faustino 1, N. Cuban Prov., land, oil, 4,500 bo/d.
  • Sherritt, Majaguillar East 1, N. Cuban Prov., land, oil, uneconomic.


  • City INV, Sonia 1, Napo, land, oil, 449 bo/d.
  • City INV, Tarapoa Sur 1, Napo, land, oil, 453 bo/d.
  • Occidental, Dumbique 1, Napo, land, oil, 3,300 bo/d.
  • Mexico Pemex, Lankahuasa 1, Tampico-Mis., offshore, gas, 37 MMcf/d.
  • Pemex, Levita 1, Gulf coast, land, gas, 5.1 MMcf/d.


  • Petrotech, LO19 5X, Talara, offshore, oil, 120 bo/d.
  • Pluspetrol, Carmen Este 1, Maranon, land, oil, 1,900 bo/d.

Trinidad & Tobago

  • EOG, Parula 1, Trinidad, offshore, gas, 24 MMcf/d.
  • Venture, Antilles Ligoure M. 22, Soldado, offshore, oil, 200 bo/d.


  • PDVSA, Lago 3047X, Maracaibo, land, oil & gas, 13,329 bo/d., 2.3 MMcf/d.
  • PDVSA, Dorado 1, Trinidad, offshore, gas, 62 MMcf/d.
  • PDVSA, Santa Barbara 130X, East Venezuela, land, oil & gas, 2,571 bo/d., 2.2 MMcf/d.
  • ODVSA, Yomoporo 9, Maracaibo, land, oil & gas, 13,789 bo/d., 5 MMcf/d.

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