Canada Hydrates Get Close Study

'Ice Gas' Could Dwarf Present Reserves

The recent discovery by geophysicists from the University of Victoria of a spectacular gas hydrate glacier outcropping on the sea floor of Canada's Pacific margin has focused attention on this most unconventional energy resource.

There's a lot at stake: About 50 percent of Canada's landmass is underlain by permafrost, and trapped below the terrestrial permafrost layers are massive volumes of gas hydrates – locked in sedimentary rocks – that may contain enough energy to dwarf Canada's conventional gas reserves.

The key to establishing gas hydrates as a significant energy resource for Canada, however, is whether the methane gas that is frozen within a lattice of water molecules can ever be produced economically and safely.

During the winter of 2002, working in subzero temperatures and under cover of darkness in the Canadian Arctic, an international consortium led by the Natural Resources Canada's Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and the Japan National Oil Corp. spent C$25 million to evaluate gas hydrates as a potential energy source. Gas flares from the world's first production tests of gas hydrates lit up the Arctic sky at the Mallik 5L-38 well, situated on Richards Island in the Mackenzie Delta and adjacent to the Beaufort Sea.

Mallik represents one of the world's most concentrated gas hydrate fields. Discovered by Imperial Oil in 1971-72 with the Mallik L-38 exploration well, gas hydrate saturations in the field average more than 60 percent and, in some cases, exceed 90 percent of the pore volume. Porosities in the poorly consolidated reservoir average about 40 percent.

In 1998, the GSC was involved in the drilling of Mallik 2L-38, a research well that identified at least 10 discrete gas hydrate intervals, exceeding 110 meters in total thickness.

"We recognized that the natural laboratory was correct," said David Boerner, an executive director of the GSC. "The consortium was built around the basic idea that we had fairly easy access to a large, known occurrence of gas hydrates."

Easy access for oil and gas exploration in Canada's Northwest Territories means barging the drilling equipment 1,500 kilometers up the Mackenzie River during the summer to a staging ground in the Mackenzie Delta.

It also means constructing 200 kilometers of ice roads to transport the drilling equipment and camp to the Mallik drill site.

Scott Dallimore is a research scientist with the Terrain Sciences Division of the GSC, and the scientific coordinator of the 2002 Mallik research well project.

"Gas hydrates are amazing deposits that only exist at atmospheric pressures for fleeting moments," Dallimore said.

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Deep Sea Gas Hydrate Stability

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The recent discovery by geophysicists from the University of Victoria of a spectacular gas hydrate glacier outcropping on the sea floor of Canada's Pacific margin has focused attention on this most unconventional energy resource.

There's a lot at stake: About 50 percent of Canada's landmass is underlain by permafrost, and trapped below the terrestrial permafrost layers are massive volumes of gas hydrates – locked in sedimentary rocks – that may contain enough energy to dwarf Canada's conventional gas reserves.

The key to establishing gas hydrates as a significant energy resource for Canada, however, is whether the methane gas that is frozen within a lattice of water molecules can ever be produced economically and safely.

During the winter of 2002, working in subzero temperatures and under cover of darkness in the Canadian Arctic, an international consortium led by the Natural Resources Canada's Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and the Japan National Oil Corp. spent C$25 million to evaluate gas hydrates as a potential energy source. Gas flares from the world's first production tests of gas hydrates lit up the Arctic sky at the Mallik 5L-38 well, situated on Richards Island in the Mackenzie Delta and adjacent to the Beaufort Sea.

Mallik represents one of the world's most concentrated gas hydrate fields. Discovered by Imperial Oil in 1971-72 with the Mallik L-38 exploration well, gas hydrate saturations in the field average more than 60 percent and, in some cases, exceed 90 percent of the pore volume. Porosities in the poorly consolidated reservoir average about 40 percent.

In 1998, the GSC was involved in the drilling of Mallik 2L-38, a research well that identified at least 10 discrete gas hydrate intervals, exceeding 110 meters in total thickness.

"We recognized that the natural laboratory was correct," said David Boerner, an executive director of the GSC. "The consortium was built around the basic idea that we had fairly easy access to a large, known occurrence of gas hydrates."

Easy access for oil and gas exploration in Canada's Northwest Territories means barging the drilling equipment 1,500 kilometers up the Mackenzie River during the summer to a staging ground in the Mackenzie Delta.

It also means constructing 200 kilometers of ice roads to transport the drilling equipment and camp to the Mallik drill site.

Scott Dallimore is a research scientist with the Terrain Sciences Division of the GSC, and the scientific coordinator of the 2002 Mallik research well project.

"Gas hydrates are amazing deposits that only exist at atmospheric pressures for fleeting moments," Dallimore said.

"These compounds have not been extensively studied in nature."

You Must Be Quick ...

Gas hydrates are white crystalline substances that look and behave like dry ice, formed under conditions of low temperature and high volume. Stable at only certain depths defined by temperature and pressure regimes, gas hydrates brought to the earth's surface in core barrels snap, crackle and pop at atmospheric pressure.

Researchers have to be quick — gas hydrate cores literally morph or dissociate into an oozy mess of free gas, water and liquified sediments. If you're brave enough to light a match near them, these ice-like sediments burst into flames.

"We worked in a chilled environment," Dallimore said of the Mallik project. "Within 10 minutes, either using liquid nitrogen or by repressurizing the samples, we stabilized and preserved the gas hydrates for subsequent research projects."

JAPEX Canada Ltd. acted as the operator for the 79-day project. The consortium — consisting of 100 researchers and crew members — drilled the 1,166-meter Malik 5L-38 production well, and two 1,188-meter observation wells offset 40 meters from the main well.

Using the grid of three boreholes, cross-well tomographic surveys, zero-offset and walk-away vertical seismic profiles were conducted — before, during and after production testing — to measure acoustic changes induced by production in the hydrate zone.

AAPG member Tim Collett, a research geologist with the geologic division of the U.S. Geological Survey, participated in the Mallik 2002 field studies.

"We put a known amount of heat into the reservoir at a known rate, and measured the gas that came out," Collett said.

He described the production tests as "scientifically controlled experiments which were not designed to maximize the volume of gas produced from the gas hydrates."

The results of the consortium's ground-breaking research will remain confidential until August 2004.

Staggering Volumes

The GSC published its first comprehensive inventory on gas hydrate distribution and volume in Canada in the July 2001 AAPG BULLETIN, when authors J.A. Majorowicz and K.G. Osadetz estimated that, on the high side, in-place gas hydrate volumes sequestered in sediments in the continental shelves, ocean margins and below terrestrial permafrost may approach 30 times those of conventional natural gas resource.

Composed primarily of natural gas or methane, hydrates sometimes contain very minor percentages of ethane or propane. Originating from both thermogenic and biogenic sources, methane gas migrates from deep in the sedimentary section — often along fault planes and tectonic sutures in subduction zones — until it encounters near-freezing temperatures where it morphs into gas hydrates.

In the world's oceans, stable gas hydrates occur beneath the sea floor where water depths exceed 300 meters. In the Canadian North, permafrost often exceeds 200 meters in thickness, creating a low geothermal gradient favorable to gas hydrate formation.

The gas hydrate structure — one methane molecule surrounded by a cage of six water molecules — concentrates methane, on a volume basis, 150 to 180 times the amount of methane found in an equal volume of free gas at standard conditions.

As a greenhouse gas, methane has a heating capacity of about 21 times that of carbon dioxide. Scientists, therefore, are also studying gas hydrates at Mallik with respect to their role in global climate change. Researchers are interested in the processes that liberate large amounts of methane into the oceans from melting permafrost and from seismically active sutures.

According to Dallimore, the gas hydrate stability regimes and the sediment types are identical at Mallik and the Nankai Trough, a subduction zone situated south of Japan in 950 meters of water. That's why Takashi Uchida, a senior researcher with JNOC and JAPEX in Tokyo, has been participating in the Mallik research programs since 1998.

Uchida drilled six wells in the Nankai Trough in 2000, and is planning to drill an additional 30 wells in 2003.

"I believe that gas hydrates will supply natural gas for Japan in the next 20 or 30 years," said Uchida, an AAPG member.

Gas hydrates represent a strategic energy resource for Japan, a country that imports more than 99 percent of its oil and gas.

'Big as a VW Bug'

Serendipity often plays a role in scientific discovery; oil and gas explorationists describe this phenomenon as "luck."

When a fishing dragger conducting experimental, deepwater studies snagged several tons of gas hydrates in Barkley Canyon, 80 kilometers off the southwestern coast of Vancouver Island, the hunt was on to find the mother lode.

Using the Canadian submersible ROPOS (Remotely Operated Platform for Ocean Science), a team of geophysicists led by Ross Chapman of the University of Victoria's School of Earth and Ocean Science discovered the largest deposits of gas hydrates ever observed on the sea floor off Canada.

Situated in 850 metres of water on the Pacific continental margin, researchers estimate that the "mother loded" of gas hydrates extends over four square kilometers.

Photographs taken by ROPOS illustrate what the geophysicists describe as a gas hydrate glacier and associated mounds of pure thermogenically sourced hydrates — one mound was the size of a Volkswagen Bug. Oil seeps were observed coming out of the gas hydrate deposits.

"To find any kind of hydrates preserved on the sea floor is rare," explained Chapman, professor of ocean acoustics. "There must be a huge flow from somewhere down below."

Collett echoed Chapman's sentiments — gas hydrate accumulations are a natural part of the petroleum system, he said.

"Gas hydrates seeps in the sea floor are telling you that there's a deeper hydrocarbon deposit," he added. "Hydrates imply that there's a leaky seal."

Since 1985, Collett has been the project chief of the USGS' North Slope of Alaska Gas Hydrate Project. He believes that the first gas hydrate production probably will be funded and supported by producing the underlying free gas.

He points to the economic rationale of capitalizing on the infrastructure in mature fields in the North Slope of Alaska:

  • Producing the underlying free gas to depressurize the gas hydrate zones above.
  • Using existing boreholes for sidetracks into gas hydrate zones.
  • Reinjecting the hot water that's being produced from deeper reservoir zones into the gas hydrate zones.

Collett speculates that if a gas pipeline had been built 20 years ago to monetize the North Slope's stranded conventional reserves, gas hydrate reserves would be producing today.

This is the case in the Messoyakha gas hydrate field in Russia. Producing since the 1960s, the field contains a free gas accumulation with an overlying gas hydrate seal. Production of the free gas depressurizes the gas hydrates; in turn, gas liberated from the gas hydrate reservoir recharges the conventional gas reservoir.

A parallel can be drawn between the future development of gas hydrates and the historical development of other unconventional energy sources: Fifty years ago, no technology existed to extract the huge bitumen reserves contained in the oil sands of northern Alberta. The Canadian oil and gas industry rose to the challenge, developing several innovative extraction technologies.

"Canadians are pre-eminent at doing things in hostile environments," Dallimore mused. "There's quite an astounding intellectual base in Canada in the field of gas hydrates."

The construction of the 1,300-kilometer long Mackenzie Valley Pipeline — anticipated to begin within the next five years — may provide the necessary catalyst for economically producing gas hydrates in the Canadian North.

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