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AAPG Highlights

AAPG's Membership Enhancement and Development Drive continues to gain momentum as Active and Associate applications are coming in from all AAPG Sections and Regions.

As of press time, new applications have been received from every Section and Region.

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AAPG's Membership Enhancement and Development Drive continues to gain momentum as Active and Associate applications are coming in from all AAPG Sections and Regions.

As of press time, new applications have been received from every Section and Region.

The Asia/Pacific Region is out in front having developed the most active and associate memberships thus far. The Gulf Coast section leads the Sectional race, with Rocky Mountain section close behind.

Remember, the top recruiter in each Section and Region will be awarded $250 AAPG dollars. Of course, all members who recruit get "stuff," including a desk flag for everyone who recruits one new member and special recognition lapel pins for those who recruit three or more.

The top overall recruiter will receive a travel voucher, four nights lodging and registration fees for the 2003 AAPG international meeting in Barcelona, Spain.

A secondary goal of the Membership Drive is to communicate the benefits of AAPG membership. There are many benefits to belonging to AAPG and these items have been highlighted in the Membership Value Pyramid. The Pyramid (focus of Rick Fritz's column in the November EXPLORER) makes it easy to discuss with potential AAPG members the value of AAPG to them and the professional community.

So when you're talking to new recruits for AAPG, and you're not quite certain as how best to communicate to them the many benefits of AAPG membership, consider the Pyramid. It contains all the important building blocks, which will make the recruit ask you, how can I join?

It might be the easiest way in which you have ever won a prize.

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