time to get serious about your plans for Salt Lake City.
The pre-registration deadline for this year's AAPG
Annual Meeting is April 8 — and by pre-registering, members can
save money while securing slots on the many field trips, short courses
and other activities.
This year's meeting will be held May 11-14 at the
Salt Palace Convention Center in downtown Salt Lake City. The theme
is "Energy — Our Monumental Task."
There are many ways to register: by mail, by fax,
by telephone and — the newest way — online.
Salt Lake, of course, was the site of the recent
Winter Olympics and is in the heart of a region that features some
of the planet's most beautiful and amazing geology.
The huge technical program — including papers, posters,
short courses and field trips — is divided into nine themes:
- The Business Side of Geology.
- Global Energy Resources.
- Environmental Issues.
- Reservoirs.
- Structure and Tectonics.
- Technologies — New and Proven.
- Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleontology.
- Petroleum Systems and Geochemistry.
- Student Presentations.
And speaking of the technical program, meeting officials
are looking for volunteers to help in the judging of papers and
posters — a function that determines the winners of the Matson
and Braunstein awards, as well as the SEPM and Division awards.
Volunteers are asked to judge one oral or poster
session. For that, participants get to attend the free judges' continental
breakfast on Monday, May 12, and also receive a certificate of participation
and a logo pin.
To volunteer, simply mark your registration form.