The splendid ambience
of the city and port of Veracruz, located in the center of the Mexican
gulf coastal plain, is the site of the fourth joint Asociación Mexicana
de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)-AAPG international conference, which will
be held Nov. 4-7 at the Continental Plaza Hotel's Convention Center.
The conference
theme is "Exploration and Development of Gas Plays" — a timely topic,
especially for those companies, government agencies and academic institutions
that are facing the challenge to increase their gas supply through the
exploration and development of their natural gas resources and reserves.
The conference
will focus on how and why the resources and reserves of gas plays can
contribute to support a worldwide growing demand of this cleaner-burning
and efficient fuel.
Mexico is the
ideal site for the theme, too, since through its own national oil company,
PEMEX, it is developing an ambitious exploration and production plan
in which natural gas is a top priority to meet national energy needs
for today and tomorrow.
have assembled a strong sample of 26 oral and 30 poster presentations
centered on seven sub-themes, which provide a broad and diverse view
of the international gas business, plus the chance to learn about the
newest concepts in exploration and production for gas.
The program
is organized to include in-depth looks at gas plays exploration and
development. Industry experts will discuss and share personal experiences
in well-explored basins as well as in the exploration of new global
frontiers, such as the Sub-andean and Mexican basins.
Poster sessions
will be held for the entire day, allowing plenty of time for reviewing
and interaction.
Oral session
topics include:
- Supply and Demand for
Natural Gas, Present and Future Trends (Management Session).
- Geological Characteristics
and Potential of Emerging Gas Plays in the World.
- New Technologies and
Methodologies for Exploration of Gas Plays.
- Drilling Technologies,
Reservoir Evaluation and Production Management for Gas.
- Where Are We and What
Lies Ahead? (Panel Discussion).
Poster session
topics are:
- Non-Conventional Sources
of Natural Gas.
- Play Analysis of Selected
Gas Basins.
Also included
will be:
- Two luncheon talks, featuring
Alfredo E. Guzman, exploration strategies coordinator of PEMEX, who
will speak on "Exploration for Gas in Mexico," and past AAPG president
Marlan W. Downey, speaking on "Looking for Gas … in All the Tight
- A post-conference field
trip to the Sierra Madre Oriental at the environs of Monterrey.
- Two post-conference short
- A limited trade show.