Invitation to Annual Meeting in Houston

International Bulletin Board

The International Pavilion (IP) Committee invites all AAPG members and attendees to visit the IP March 10-13 during AAPG's 2002 annual meeting in Houston.

We are very excited at the early response of countries interested in participating in this year's pavilion and the support of the oil and gas companies in their sponsorship of this event. The AAPG IP is the premier venue for international companies to meet and discuss opportunities for investment in the oil and gas sectors in their countries.

With the convention located in Houston, the opportunity for interaction between countries and international business development groups of companies is tremendous. At time of printing, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Falkland Islands, Greenland, New Zealand, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Suriname, Uganda and Ukraine already have reserved their booth space.

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The International Pavilion (IP) Committee invites all AAPG members and attendees to visit the IP March 10-13 during AAPG's 2002 annual meeting in Houston.

We are very excited at the early response of countries interested in participating in this year's pavilion and the support of the oil and gas companies in their sponsorship of this event. The AAPG IP is the premier venue for international companies to meet and discuss opportunities for investment in the oil and gas sectors in their countries.

With the convention located in Houston, the opportunity for interaction between countries and international business development groups of companies is tremendous. At time of printing, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Falkland Islands, Greenland, New Zealand, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Suriname, Uganda and Ukraine already have reserved their booth space.

Corporate awareness and sponsorship of the IP over the past few years have continued to make this venue a great success with participation growing exponentially since its original appearance in 1994. Both corporate and individual contributions have allowed us to gather under one roof, representatives from more than 40 countries, offering potential international oil and gas opportunities around the world.

More companies are seeing and realizing the benefit of sponsoring this successful addition to the AAPG's annual meeting, with new and old companies vying for visibility. For the past couple of years we have seen companies aggressively pursuing the West African nations. This year has been no exception, with early contributions from companies interested in country sponsorship. Other indirect or general contributions allow participation by additional countries that offer the most potential for oil and gas opportunities.

At Houston, all sponsors and international IP delegates are invited to participate in the Global Forum and IP reception.

  • The reception, an evening of mixing, mingling and networking with each other, will be held Monday evening, March 11. A contribution of $100 is a patron sponsorship and includes an invitation for one person to attend the reception. If you haven't already become a sponsor this is your opportunity to participate.
  • Also in Houston, on the afternoon of Sunday, March 10, the second Global Forum will be held, where many delegates of the state organizations exhibiting at the IP, together with representatives of their sponsoring companies, will attend this exclusive workshop.

A very firm foundation was established at the first forum organized during the Denver 2001 AAPG annual meeting. The baton has been passed to Jonathan Green, IP country coordinator, and yours truly.

A panel of influential speakers comprising key decision makers and analysts of the international energy industry is being established to lead what promises to be a very lively debate focusing on investment, technology and business issues in the highly competitive and risk adverse global E&P sector.

At the time of writing, confirmations to speak have been received from the VP of exploration of a major Latin American national oil company; a former deputy secretary of oil and gas in the U.S. Department of Energy; a senior manager of global exploration in one of the super majors; the vice president of technology of a large intermediate; the CEO of a small U.S. independent; and the president of a firm of global energy consultants.

To facilitate information exchange, an online International Pavilion will be available before, during and after the convention. The IP Web site contains background, geologic information and investment opportunities on each country, plus something new: information regarding the seismic data that is available in various countries. We trust that this added feature will be of benefit to both the countries and the companies reviewing opportunities. Visit the AAPG Web site and check out the IP link.

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