London APPEX Set For February 18-20

International Bulletin Board

Planning has begun on a new APPEX (AAPG Prospect and Property Expo) in London, England, following the tremendous results of the initial APPEX held last August in Houston.

Scheduled for Feb. 18-20, this first-ever AAPG prospect exhibition in Europe will be held in conjunction with the Institute of Petroleum's 2002 "IP Week" technical program. Both will be presented at the One Great George Street conference center, across from Parliament in the heart of London.

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Planning has begun on a new APPEX (AAPG Prospect and Property Expo) in London, England, following the tremendous results of the initial APPEX held last August in Houston.

Scheduled for Feb. 18-20, this first-ever AAPG prospect exhibition in Europe will be held in conjunction with the Institute of Petroleum's 2002 "IP Week" technical program. Both will be presented at the One Great George Street conference center, across from Parliament in the heart of London.

Exhibit space is severely limited, and those who wish to reserve space are encouraged to immediately contact Michelle Mayfield Gentzen at AAPG in Tulsa at (918) 560-2618 . Only those who register for the IP Week program will be able to view the APPEX-London exhibits.

Registration is available on a whole-program or one-day basis through the Institute of Petroleum. Contact Marta Kozlowska at 44 (0)20 7467 7100, or visit the Web site devoted to IP Week, for details.

Hedberg Conference — Italy

The AAPG Research Committee has approved a Hedberg Research Conference in Italy this spring titled "Deformation, Fluid Flow and Reservoir Appraisal in Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts."

The conference will be held in Palermo-Mondello (Sicily, Italy) from May 14-18, with oral and poster presentations the first three days and group field excursions the final two days.

The conference's intent is to bring explorationists and researchers together from oil companies, mineral exploration companies and research institutes to discuss present-day concepts and new developments in exploration in foreland fold and thrust belts. Exploration in fold and thrust belts requires a good understanding of pre-, syn- and post-tectonic processes, which can to a certain degree be inferred from the interpretation of seismic transects and from forward kinematic modeling.

Over the last few years new developments and concepts have evolved. For instance, modeling tools coupling tectonics, sedimentation and erosion processes provide better controls on the burial history of potential source rocks and reservoirs and on the agenda of the petroleum systems versus the age of the traps.

Conference co-conveners are Rudy Swennen and Francois Roure, both with IFP.

For information, contact Debbi Boonstra in the AAPG education department at (918) 560-2630; or check the Hedberg section of the education areas on the AAPG Web site.

Hedberg Conference — Norway

Another Hedberg Conference, "The Hydrocarbon Habitat of Volcanic Rifted Passive Margins," will be held Sept. 8-10 in Stavanger, Norway.

Key questions to be addressed during the conference include:

  • The nature of the continent-ocean transition and its influence on heat flow.
  • Structural segmentation along margins and its influence on basin architecture.
  • Thermal effects of transient underplating of the lower crust.
  • Subsidence history and its impact on early post-rift history — why some margins are characterized by early post-rift salt and others are not.
  • What controls the distribution of source beds on such margins. Especially important will be comparison of the different petroleum systems identified on such margins.

Co-chairs are David Roberts and Sigrunn Johnsen.

For information, contact Debbi Boonstra in the AAPG education department at 1-918-560-2630; or check the Hedberg section of the AAPG Web site.

Two additional international meetings of note:

  • Third International Symposium on Petroleum Geology, April 18-20, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • CSPG Diamond Jubilee Convention, June 3-7, Calgary, Canada.

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