AAPG Position Statements and Climate Change
Historically, AAPG has developed and approved position statements on a variety of issues, usually related to policy issues relevant to AAPG and its members. The purpose of position statements was to provide Congress and state legislatures with non-partisan, science-backed information that they could use to shape energy policy. Over the years, AAPG has issued Position Papers for a number of subjects, including Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) Access (2011); Hydraulic Fracturing (2011); Work Force Needs (2011); Geologic Carbon Storage (2008); Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Resources (2007); and Climate Change (2007), to name a few.
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Historically, AAPG has developed and approved position statements on a variety of issues, usually related to policy issues relevant to AAPG and its members. The purpose of position statements was to provide Congress and state legislatures with non-partisan, science-backed information that they could use to shape energy policy. Over the years, AAPG has issued Position Papers for a number of subjects, including Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) Access (2011); Hydraulic Fracturing (2011); Work Force Needs (2011); Geologic Carbon Storage (2008); Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Resources (2007); and Climate Change (2007), to name a few.
Climate change and anthropogenic climate change (AGW) is a subject of considerable discussion and debate across the globe and within the AAPG. Over the past year, there has been a call from some members for AAPG to prepare a new position statement on the issue of climate change and AGW. Your Executive Committee wants to engage AAPG membership to better understand whether and how the AAPG should engage on this topic by asking a couple of questions.
By mid-September, all members will receive an email that will allow you to express your views on this subject. There will be a series of questions that will help facilitate your Executive Committee to gauge the members’ view on position statements in general and issuing a new climate statement in particular. It is incumbent for all members to express their views and we encourage all members to make sure your friends and colleagues respond to the polling.
2019-2020 Executive Committee