Celebrating the Loyalty of Membership

We all know 2020 was an unprecedented year, on all levels.

For AAPG, we were challenged as never before to fulfill our purpose – we learned, adapted, modified our ways of doing business and then worked diligently to implement new innovations and technologies to meet the needs of our membership.

But even as we seek to creatively and effectively advance the geosciences, we remain focused on why we do what we do: You have supported us with your membership, and we’re here to support you in your professional development and growth.

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We all know 2020 was an unprecedented year, on all levels.

For AAPG, we were challenged as never before to fulfill our purpose – we learned, adapted, modified our ways of doing business and then worked diligently to implement new innovations and technologies to meet the needs of our membership.

But even as we seek to creatively and effectively advance the geosciences, we remain focused on why we do what we do: You have supported us with your membership, and we’re here to support you in your professional development and growth.

That’s proven to be a valuable relationship.

And each month we enjoy the chance to not only thank all of you for your ongoing support but also to publicly recognize those who are celebrating milestone anniversaries with AAPG.

Below are the names of the great members who are celebrating their 40-year anniversary with AAPG. For AAPG (and we hope for you!), 1981 was a very good year.

As always, certificates of membership are accessible on the website via the Member Portal and we encourage each member to log in to their Member Profile and print a certificate, which we hope will be framed and displayed with pride.

More milestone anniversary celebrations will be held throughout the year in the EXPLORER. Our members remain our greatest strength, and we proudly thank you for your contributions to the science, the industry and the Association.

Congratulations to you all.

William Harold Abbott
George Stephen Adcock
David Advocate
James Ahmad
Gary Louis Ahrens
Ubertino Aliaga
Andrew Stuart Allan
David M. Allard
Jerry D. Allred
Abdulrahman S. Al-Sharhan
Robert McCray Altany
Maduegboaka I.J. Aluka
Jeffrey A. Ambrose
Lance C. Anderson
Richard L. Appling
Bruce Brian Ard
William Casey Armstrong
Mario Luis Assine
Erkan Atalik
Terry A. Augustin
Peter G. Aukes
Lee B. Backsen
Jeffrey W. Bader
Scott Carter Balke
James P. Balkey
Swagat Arvind Bam
Jack R. Banttari
Michael K. Barber
Matthew A. Barrett
A. Greer Barriault
Wendy L. Bartlett
Robert A. Barton
Robert Joseph Bascle
Timothy R. Basilone
David K. Baskin
Luis Joaquin Batista
E. Kevin Beacom
Casey G. Beaman
Bennett Lee Bearden
Edward T. Beattie
James D. Beavers
David Joseph Becker
Ann E. Bell
Brian M. Bergquist
Richard E. Berlitz
Larry R. Beyer
Hugo Alberto Bianucci
James William Biehl
Kathleen A. Bieltz
Robert Edward Bierley
David Lewis Billingsley Jr.
Bruce J. Bilodeau
Jason G. Blake
Joel Richard Blake
Robert Whitney Blake
David C. Blanchard
Steve J. Blanke
Henricus A. Bockmeulen
Steve Sheehan Boljen
Larry J. Bond
Thomas C. Boronow
Terry Joe Boroughs
Brian Keith Boslaugh
Richard J. Bottjer
Steven Trevor Bottomley
John K. Bowman
Michael B. J. Bowman
Scott Andrew Bowman
Steven H. Brachman
Kenneth Bradley
James P. Brandon
Richard D. Bray
Lindell Bridges
Larry D. Brisendine
Robert Charles Brodbeck
Alan L. Brown
Allen S. Brown
Andrew Brown
Anthony Robert Brown
David Holbrook Brown
Ian Thomas Brown
Malcolm Brown
Mike Brown
W. Scott Brown
William R. Brown
George P. Brugeyroux
Peter Bryant
Matthew A. Brzostowski
Trevor P. Burchette
Michael C. Burkard
John Paul Burnette
Gregory K. Burns
James C. Burns
Michael David Bush
Brian D. Bylo
Robert L. Calaway
Robert F. Calow
Donald Edward Cameron
Magell P. Candelaria
Debra A. Caperton
Richard F. Carroll
Tom Ann L. Casey
Robert A. Cassie
Thomas Wilbur Cate
Melvin H. Chambers
Lynn S. Charuk
Chris James Cheatwood
Robert E. Childress
Marilyn Cisar
Timothy Clarey
Douglas Mark Clark
Chris B. Clayton
Gary W. Coburn
James Edward Cochran Jr.
Glenn Harris Coffey
Millard F. Coffin
David G. Cole
Timothy S. Collett
Stephen B. Conger
John L. Conner
Mark McKinney Cook
Michael Cook
Russell C. Cook
Timothy Ralph Cook
Steven Courteney
Randolph Lee Coy
James R. Cozzens
Barbara Renee Cuba
Juan Antonio Cuevas
Jasha Cultreri
Gloria D. Cummins
John H. Cunniff
David J. Curry
Cynthia Keefe Dacre
Margaret M. Dalthorp
Kevin Wade DaVee
Roger Brett Davies
Gene Howell Davis
Joseph R. Davis
Ian Davison
Robert R. Dawson
Guy C. De Caprona
Kevin J. De Mauret
Bert De Wijn
Karen Tombaugh Dean
Henry Neal Deshazo Jr.
Jaquidon Devenport
Steven J. Devos
William D. Dickerson
Douglas B. Dickey
Michael F. Diggles
Craig M. Dingler
Mark John Dixon
James Brian Dodson
David M. Dolberg
Mark A. Domagala
Julia D. Dombrowski
Patrick A. Donais
Deborah Ann Dorsett
William R. Downs
David R. Doyel
Gerald E. Drake Jr.
Katherine Kay Driskell
Thomas Lowell Dunn
Edward Eckenstein
Duncan Lee Edwards
Michael Edward Effler
James R. Ehrets
Laura A. Elliott
Mark H. Elliott
Ross Alan Ensley
David Brian Ephraim
Mohamad Reza Etemadi
Kathryn C. Evans
Link A. Evans
Mark Steven Evans
Thomas Edward Ewing
Stephen R. Fanning
Richard B. Farrand
Thomas D. Fassio
Walter Scott Fees III
Douglas Fenwick
Christopher R. Fielding
John F. Fierstien IV
Edgar James Files Jr.
Joseph Martin Finneran
James D. Fisk
Debra D. FitzGerald
Martin Fleckenstein
Richard Allen Fleming
David Warren Flint
Robert C. Flook
Meridee Jane Fockler
Michael J. Foley
Raymond Michael Follador
Robert G. Font
Raymond J. Fontenot
German Forero Ramirez
Bret John Fossum
C. Kirk Fraser
Charles Conrad Fried
Scott Hal Fritts
Carl R. Froede Jr.
Claude Max Froidevaux
Matthew X. Furin
Calvin G. Gabel
William E. Gandera
Terry L. Ganey
Raymond A. Garber
Larry Garmezy
Richard Anthony Garrard
Robert Kent Garrison
Charles F. Garvey
William M. B. Gavin
Richard P. George
Robert G. Gerdes
Robert Allen German
Robert Charles German
Boyd Steven Getz
Greg Getz
William Kirk Gibbs Jr.
John Willis Gibson Jr.
Eileen Dombroski Gilligan
Herman L. Gilmore Jr.
Daniel Ray Glaiser
Karen Sullivan Glaser
William G. Glynn
Donald A. Goddard
Warren Carson Godfrey
David Godsey
Alexander C. Goforth
Carroll L. Goll
Elizabeth G. Goodman
Connie J. Gough
Stuart Gowland
Claus H. Graf
Carl E. Gray
Lynn Gray
Kevin D. Green
Laurie D. Green
Stephen M. Greenlee
Gerald Keith Greer
Jack T. Gregory
Stewart D. Griest
Michael Richard Griffith
Norman W. Grimes
John A. Groce
Arlen Kent Grove
George A. Grover Jr.
Kenneth Lee Grubbs
Walter P. Grun
Walter S. Guidroz
George R. Gunn
Lisa Gusek
Gary Eich Guthrie
George H. Haas
Alan R. Haight
Marshall Haimson
Douglas R. Hall
Richard J. Hall
Henry I. Halpern
Bruce Handley
Glenn Boyd Handley Jr.
James W. Handschy
Arlen Blaine Hanks
J. Clark Hanna
Nicholas Martin Hardy
Stuart D. Harker
Howard Earl Harper Jr.
David Caven Harris
Ellis Donald Harris Jr.
John Brent Harris
Richard Waddell Harris
Lyndon T. Harrison
Tim W. Harvey
Paul M. Haryott
Robert D. Hatcher Jr.
Keith Ideus Haun
James G. Hawkins Jr.
Kevin A. Hayden
Bertram Hayes-Davis
Byron Haynes Jr.
William Charles Hayward
Frank P. Hearn
Donald E. Heath
John J. Hebberger Jr.
Donald R. Heider
David R. Heinz
Douglas P. Heller
Anthony C. Henshaw
Paul Carrington Henshaw Jr.
Jeffrey Joseph Heppermann
Paul M. Hess
Richard C. Hestermann
Benjamin K. Hicks
Aaron J. Hildebrandt
Barbara M. Hill
Brian Thomas Himes
Donald W. Hladiuk
John Richard Hogg
Tommie G. Holley
L. Edward Hollingsworth
David Lilburn Homan
Andrew T. Hooker
Randolph Arden Hoover
James Frank Hopper
Brian Wilson Horn
Kenneth B. Horrall
Holly Kae Horton
Benjamin Wayne Hoskins
Julie Ann Houle
Leigh S. House
John Ward Howe
James David Huck
Terry Huffington
Roger G. Humphreville
Matthew Glover Hyde
Abigail T. Hymel
Patrick M. Imbrogno
James T. Ingram
Bruce G. Insalaco
George Iusco
Dan Willis Jackson
Michael W. Jackson
S. Lance Jackson
Junior Lee Jenkins
Michael H. Jenkins
Stephen I. Jenkins
Terence L. Jensen
Mark W. Johns
Holly Elizabeth Johnson
James Clark Johnson
Jeffery Keith Johnson
Milford R. Johnson
Wayne Perry Johnson
John Mark Johnston
Thomas William Jones
James Gerard Kane
John M. Kapchinske
Anatoly A. Kaplan
Masato Kato
William A. Keller
Douglas S. Kenaley
Christian Arthur Kern
Linda Sue Kerr
Bryan Porter Key
Steven Lynn Keyes
David T. King Jr.
Francis William King
Robert Bruce Kirk
Ricky Todd Kistler
Harvey R. Klingensmith
Steven P. Knowles
Venkatarathnam Kolla
Michelle A. Kominz
Martin Arthur Kopacz
Walter Korenkiewicz
Mike John Korte
David Kim Kosmitis
Gary R. Kowalczyk
Anthony L. Kratochvil
Ronald Dean Kreisa
Donald Wayne Krill
David Jeffrey Kronman
Gustav Hugo Krueger
Edward Kryza
Mark Anton Kuhn
Homer J. Lackey Jr.
Alan Price Laferriere
Walter J. Lamle
Robert Alan Langen
Walter Adam Laufer
Philip J. Lawry
Jeffrey L. Lawton
James Stephen Lee
John T. Leethem
Peter Frank Lehle
James A. Lehrman
Lee R. Lehtonen
Lawrence D. Lemke
Joseph Paul Lemon
Margaret Ann Lessenger
Raymond Allen Levey
Nina C. Lian
Thomas Nelson Lindskog
John Blakley Linford
Mark D. Lovell
Barbara Luneau
Stephen S. Lunsford
John H. Lyle
Timothy D. Lyons
William Stewart Lyons
Bruce A. Mac Pherson Jr.
Frank Maio
Philip C. Mani
Daven Craig Mann
Robert C. Marshall
Gregg E. Martin
Jeff R. Martin
Michael J. Martin
Andrew J. Maslowski
R. Mark Maslyn
Steve Massie
Wilbert L. Mathews
Howard C. Mathison
Michael E. Mathy
Timothy Charles Maxwell
Carson Young McCants II
James A. McCarty
Tony Scott McClain
R. Scott McCleery
Fletcher T. McClintock
Patric R. McConn
Robert Arnold McCormic
Dirk Wade McDermott
Gerard Joseph McGann
Christopher Brooks McGill
Peter Malcolm McGregor
William A. McHale
Keith E. McKamey
Keith Keith McKeel
Chet B. McLain
John David McLeod
Harry G. McMahon III
Ronny J. McWhorter
David V. Meghreblian
M. Karen Menge
Thomas A. Metarko
Robert W. Milam
Gerhard Milan
Thomas F. Miles
John A. Miller
William W. Miller
James Alan Minelli
Stephen T. Mitchell
Kenneth William Mohn
Jay Bee Monroe
Brad Moon
David Kevin Moore
Bruce Joseph Moriarty
Louis Kevin Morrato
Neil Gerard Moss
Mike J. Mullen
Arthur Craig Mullenax
Robert C. Mummery
George King P. Munson
Russell King Murphy
Susan Gail Murphy
Sally M. Murray
Judd Muskat
David H. Naas
Kenneth A. Nadolny
Charles Evans Nagel III
Steven P. Nagel
John R. Nelson
Jeffrey C. Neuman
Daniel Bruce Nevin
Howard Allen Nevins
James W. Newkumet
Kenneth Allan Nibbelink
Randy Lynn Nickerson
William R. Niemi
Richard Edwin Norman
M. David Novak
Janice Marion Nowicki
David M. Oden
William C. O’Donnell
Michael A. Oestmann
Snorre Olaussen
Wendell Gregory Olivier
Deborah M. Olson
Steven Gordon Olson
David M. Orchard
John C. Ostergren
Charles Folger Oudin III
Robert Thomas Owen
William C. Owens
Russell L. Oxsen
James H. Painter
Julie Adele Palmer
William A. Parisi
Mark Allen Parker
Steve D. Parker
Edward B. Parma
Richard P. Parrish
George Michael Patterson
Michael Albert Paulson
William C. Pearson
Michael L. Peffer
Peter E. Penoyer
Nicholas J. Percival
Randy Alan Perkey
Michael S. Perry
James Peters
Kenneth M. Petrie
Robert F. Pfannenstiel
Frank J. Picha
Raymond M. Pierson
Jeremy B. Platt
Gary Farnsworth Player
Pasquale Pontoriero
Mark H. Porter
Robert Mark Potts
Robert Alan Powell
William Laurence Power
David H H. Powers
John G. Preston
Richard G. Prucha
Mark Daniel Purcell
Elizabeth P. Pyle
Anthony Mark Pytte
Hayat A. Qidwai
Elizabeth B. Queen
Daniel Joseph Quinn
Michael Quinn
Robert B. Raines Jr.
William F. Rapier
Robert H. Ray
Keith R. Reavis
Harold Kenneth Recoy
Scott Cleveland Reeve
James D. Reeves
Robert Daniel Revella
Ilene Rex
Douglas W. Reynolds
John L. Reynolds
James E. Rice
David R. Richards
Russell Paul Richards
Jacob B. Rivers III
Dennis R. Robbins
William C. Robbins
James D. Robertson
David A. Rochna
Rene Rodrigues
Mark Arleigh Rogers
Douglas C. Roper
Joshua H. Rosenfeld
Robert Winslow Ruggiero
Steven D. Ruppert
Marvin E. Rygh
Gary John Sable
Carlos Ernesto Sanchez
Clarke T. Sandberg
Steven Paul Sasaki
Ira Daniel Sasowsky
Thomas Joe Sauer
Dale Stewart Sawyer
Jay Roger Scheevel
Kevin J. Schepel
Dale George Schlinsog
Ann E. Schneider
Rhys David Schneider
Nahum Schneidermann
David Schoderbek
Noelle B. Schoellkopf
William R. Schoen
Layne A. Scholl
Bruce A. Schonert
Kay Schrodt
Charles E. Schroeder
Mark Keith Schroeder
Dietmar Schumacher
Jon R. Schwalbach
Diane Lynn Schwetz
David A. Scolman
James Simpson Scott
David M. Scull
Mark A. Seelen
Robert John Seggie
Bob Lawson Shackelford
John Sharry
Anna C. Shaughnessy
John Lynn Shepard
Roger D. Shew
Yoshihiro Shimizu
James Edward Shriver
Bret Randal Siepman
Thomas Aaron Sikes
Peter Edwin Sikorski
Jerry P. Siok
James Curtis Smallwood
C. Michael Smith
David Carlyle Smith
Linda Victoria Smith
M. Robin Smith
Richard Lee Smith
Robert R. Smith
William Theodore Snedden
Gilbert W. Snell
Dennis J. Sokoloski
Richard K. Sparkman
Sarah G. Stanley
Gordon Griffith Start
Deborah Deibler Steele
Richard Patrick Steele
Carl Kristian Steffensen
Craig W. Stephenson
Mark A. Stephenson
Robert Hamlin Sterling Jr.
David Ashley Stevens
Jeffrey B. Stewart
Randy Stilwell
Scott L. Stockton
Charles Gomer Stone
Robert George Strauss
Mark Haynes Strider
Catherine C. Strong
Michael L. Stults
Stephen Ray Stults
Robert J. Stupp III
Asep Rachman Suhendan
Raymond Sullivan
Eric C. Swanson
David Ellis Taff
Curtis Lawrence Talbot
Robert Frank Talley
Medhat Ali Abdalla Tarakhan
Michael Howard Taylor
Daniel M. Tetzlaff
John tHart
Lee Allen Thomas
Paul Anthony Thomas
Thomas Joseph Thomas
Todd Andrew Thomas
Gary L. Thompson
Doug R. Tietbohl
Rick Curtis Tobin
Brian E. Toelle
Michael Dean Toland
A. Kurt Tollestrup
Thomas James Tourek
Mark S. Treml
Anthony P. Trinko
Paul L. Tromp
Philip Nelson Trumbly
L. A. Turner Jr.
George J. Ulmo Jr.
Tariq U. Usmani
Gordon Thomas Vaskey
Cesar Vasquez
Charles L. Vavra
David A. Verdun
Christian Viau
Robert R. Vick
Jose L. Villalobos
Rudy F. Vogt III
Catherine J. Voight
Donald E. Walker
John A. Walker
Billy James Ward Jr.
Steven James Ward
Paul L. G. Ware
Douglas L. Waters
Fred Lewis Wehr
Joann E. Welton
Jonathan K. Westbury
William M. Whaling
Mark T. Wheeler
Ronald Richard White
William Ray Whitman
James Whitsitt
David Brian Whittam
John Samuel Wickham
Charles Wilson Wickstrom
Peter L. Wielezynski
Chandler Thomas Wilhelm
Charles F. Willetts
Dwight James Williams
Ann O. Willis
Augustus O. Wilson Jr.
James L. Wilson
Mark L. Wilson
Jeffrey H. Wingerter
Philip S. Winner
John Martin Winterman
David Nathaniel Witter
Kenneth M. Wolgemuth
Gregory Wayne Wood
Mark Franklin Wood
Robert Thomas Wood
Seth Michael Woodberry
Donald G. Woolverton
Laura L. Wray
Gregory R. Wrightstone
Markel Ray Wyatt
Thomas C. Wyche
Mark Allan Yanoski
Steven Craig Yates
Pinar Oya Yilmaz
Gary E. Yoder
Satoru Yokoi
William A. Zagorski
Lucas G. Zamora

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