Spreading the Word: New DLs Announced for 2021-22

An historic book is being reopened, and the next chapter in AAPG’s ongoing efforts to recognize, offer and promote geoscience excellence around the world is about to be written.

Six diverse and internationally acclaimed geoscientists have been announced for the 2021-22 AAPG-AAPG Foundation Distinguished Lecture season – speaking on a spectacular range of subjects that vary from understanding integrated hydrocarbon systems to utilizing machine learning to recognizing the importance of choices in today’s energy transition.

DL speakers are carefully selected by the AAPG Distinguished Lecture Committee based on the relevancy of their topics and individual excellence in their respective fields. The program is managed by AAPG and funded by the AAPG Foundation.

“Part of the Foundation’s mission is to make sure that the newest, most advanced geoscience concepts have the chance to be experienced around the world, and the DL program has become our flagship for making that possible,” said AAPG Foundation Chair Jim Gibbs. “Thanks to the generous contributions and support of this program by our donors, the Foundation is proud to do all we can to throw a spotlight on these superb speakers and their important talks.”

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Left to right: Capello, Cox, Dewhurst, Dorsey, Marfurt, Pyrak-Nolte.

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An historic book is being reopened, and the next chapter in AAPG’s ongoing efforts to recognize, offer and promote geoscience excellence around the world is about to be written.

Six diverse and internationally acclaimed geoscientists have been announced for the 2021-22 AAPG-AAPG Foundation Distinguished Lecture season – speaking on a spectacular range of subjects that vary from understanding integrated hydrocarbon systems to utilizing machine learning to recognizing the importance of choices in today’s energy transition.

DL speakers are carefully selected by the AAPG Distinguished Lecture Committee based on the relevancy of their topics and individual excellence in their respective fields. The program is managed by AAPG and funded by the AAPG Foundation.

“Part of the Foundation’s mission is to make sure that the newest, most advanced geoscience concepts have the chance to be experienced around the world, and the DL program has become our flagship for making that possible,” said AAPG Foundation Chair Jim Gibbs. “Thanks to the generous contributions and support of this program by our donors, the Foundation is proud to do all we can to throw a spotlight on these superb speakers and their important talks.”

Actual face-to-face touring remains unresolved due to the ongoing restrictions caused by global COVID-19 trends; DL Committee co-chairs Marsha French and Julia Wellner said their committee is hopeful that some visits will be arranged this year, even if only on a spot basis as conditions and speakers’ schedules and availability allow.

But all speakers once again will be available free of charge – at any time, to anyone, anywhere on Earth – via videos and complementary podcasts that will be available on the AAPG website for downloading or streaming.

This year’s DL slate includes:

  • Maria Angela Capello, senior partner of Red Tree Consulting, and currently consulting for Latin America and U.S. companies involved in sustainability strategies. She also is co-chair of the United Nations UNECE Committee for Women in Resource Management, and industry ambassador for the University of Houston’s Consortium AIM-DEEP. Her books include “Mentoring and Sponsoring – Keys to Success” and “Learned in the Trenches: Insights into Leadership and Resilience.” Her lecture is titled “Coupling Geoethics to Sustainability.”
  • Denise Cox, president of Storm Energy Ltd., where she focuses on technology for sustainable energy development. She also is a past president of AAPG. Her lecture is titled “Sustainable Development and the Energy Transition: The Lifecycle Cost-Benefit of Energy Choices.”
  • Dave Dewhurst, chief research scientist at Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization leading the Geomechanics and Multiphysics Group as well as the CSIRO Geomechanics and Geophysics Laboratory. His lecture is titled, “Impact of Diagenesis on Rock Properties in Shales.”
  • Rebecca J. Dorsey, professor of Earth sciences at the University of Oregon, whose current projects also include deciphering the origins and early evolution of the lower Colorado River; basin development in the active arc-continent collision of Taiwan; and geogenomics study of Earth-life evolution in central Baja California, Mexico. Her lecture is titled, “Stratigraphic Record of Late Cenozoic Basin Development Along the Pacific – North America Plate Boundary in the Gulf of California and Salton Trough.”
  • Kurt Marfurt, award-winning research professor of geophysics at the University of Oklahoma and a frequent contributor to the AAPG EXPLORER’s popular Geophysical Corner. Marfurt is this season’s AAPGSEG Distinguished Lecturer, and his talk is titled “Common Pitfalls and Limitations in Seismic Attribute Analysis.”
  • Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte, distinguished professor of physics and astronomy in the College of Science at Purdue University. Her interests include applied geophysics, experimental and theoretical seismic wave propagation, laboratory rock mechanics and fluid flow through Earth materials. Her lecture is titled “Illuminating Fractures: Geophysics and Machine Learning.”

Impacts – Bad and Good

The DL program, which had started incorporating web-based and virtual technology in 2019 to complement the traditional live touring format, found itself in a unique position as COVID-19 began to impact the world in early 2020: face-to-face lectures were impossible, but the program itself was effectively positioned to continue without missing a beat, thanks to the virtual capabilities.

That potential included both recorded lectures but also, thanks to Zoom technology, live, interactive lectures to groups around the world.

Also, the DL Committee opted to utilize the 10 speakers who were already recorded and available for live Q&As throughout 2020-21. As a result, during the pandemic the DL program reached more people in more places than ever before in its history – more than 22,000 views, according to AAPG web data.

(That number does not include statistics for the Digging Deeper podcasts, which are available on several platforms.)

Also as a result, the six speakers selected for 2021-22 will be the first new lecturers named in nearly two years.

Each lecturer will give a full-length presentation on video and also will sit down for an extended podcast called “Digging Deeper,” an interview series that takes a more personal approach to the lecturer. (They always have very interesting stories to tell about their lives and careers.)

The DL Committee and AAPG staff are hoping for an October release of this season’s material, pending speaker availability and pandemic factors. Please continue to watch your inbox and social media for updated details about DL videos and podcast releases.

For questions or more information about the DL program, go to the AAPG website or contact program coordinator Heather Hodges at .

To be part of the AAPG Foundation’s ongoing support of advancing geoscience excellence around the world, contact , or visit the AAPG Foundation website at foundation.aapg.org.

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