Reimagining, and Imagining BIG

So here we are at the end of the AAPG cycle – our fiscal year and leadership roster change over on July 1. This is my last President’s Column to thank those who have contributed so much to our Association and our profession:

All members need to come together and keep AAPG moving forward in a positive, productive manner. We all seek the same end – namely a thriving organization that serves current and future generations of geoscientists as we deliver energy for the world.

  • The volunteers and staff who organize and deliver all our valuable meetings around the world as well as our robust online webinar series. Here’s a special shout-out to those organizing and supporting the IMAGE ’24 annual meeting Aug. 26-29, which is shaping up to be a real blockbuster;
  • The Communications team that launched the successful new weekly newsletters and gave our monthly EXPLORER an exciting new look and feel;
  • All donors to the AAPG Foundation and especially the approximately250 Trustee Associates, whose generosity underwrites many of our most cherished programs (and we are saving a place for you!);
  • The volunteers and staff planting seeds for the future via our student-focused programs;
  • All the volunteer leaders around the world, and all members who donated their time in any capacity not already mentioned;
  • Every member who has taken action, or will take action before July 1, to renew their membership for the next fiscal year;
  • And last but definitely not least, please join me in expressing gratitude to our Executive Director David Curtiss and every member of the staff whom we ultimately depend upon to make the Association run.

Megalodon Tank, Among Other Proposals

Switching gears: Do you enjoy watching the reality-TV pitch show “Shark Tank”? Recently, a volunteer committee called the B.I.G. Team (“Boost Income Greatly”) reported out on a list of ideas to materially increase revenue for AAPG (some were refinements of earlier ideas).

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So here we are at the end of the AAPG cycle – our fiscal year and leadership roster change over on July 1. This is my last President’s Column to thank those who have contributed so much to our Association and our profession:

All members need to come together and keep AAPG moving forward in a positive, productive manner. We all seek the same end – namely a thriving organization that serves current and future generations of geoscientists as we deliver energy for the world.

  • The volunteers and staff who organize and deliver all our valuable meetings around the world as well as our robust online webinar series. Here’s a special shout-out to those organizing and supporting the IMAGE ’24 annual meeting Aug. 26-29, which is shaping up to be a real blockbuster;
  • The Communications team that launched the successful new weekly newsletters and gave our monthly EXPLORER an exciting new look and feel;
  • All donors to the AAPG Foundation and especially the approximately250 Trustee Associates, whose generosity underwrites many of our most cherished programs (and we are saving a place for you!);
  • The volunteers and staff planting seeds for the future via our student-focused programs;
  • All the volunteer leaders around the world, and all members who donated their time in any capacity not already mentioned;
  • Every member who has taken action, or will take action before July 1, to renew their membership for the next fiscal year;
  • And last but definitely not least, please join me in expressing gratitude to our Executive Director David Curtiss and every member of the staff whom we ultimately depend upon to make the Association run.

Megalodon Tank, Among Other Proposals

Switching gears: Do you enjoy watching the reality-TV pitch show “Shark Tank”? Recently, a volunteer committee called the B.I.G. Team (“Boost Income Greatly”) reported out on a list of ideas to materially increase revenue for AAPG (some were refinements of earlier ideas).

One of them, “Megalodon Tank” (the biggest shark ever!), is loosely modeled on the TV show and can put some of the remarkable oil-finding skills of our members to good use.

In this concept, a self-selecting risk assessment team would come together to evaluate prospect proposals in their basin or technical area of expertise. The prospect presenter must have adequate leasehold or options in place to control the prospect or drive forced pooling, making it a viable business opportunity. The presenter gets expert assessment, a stamp of approval if the panel grants it, and perhaps a sale. The panelists get a first-look personal opportunity to invest. As the facilitator, AAPG gets a payment – for example, a small override on eventual production and/or an assessment fee proportional to the magnitude of the project.

Megalodon Tank is well-suited to the U.S. onshore framework, but adjustments to suit offshore and non-U.S. prospects are possible. As an additional potential benefit, the process could be used as training for less experienced members to watch and learn from our very top member-experts.

Some of the other B.I.G. team proposals include:

  • Taking a more mindful portfolio view on future meeting planning to ensure consistent good attendance and profitability
  • Instituting an annual field trip extravaganza, that is, a multiday field event in an interesting location, in collaboration with the local affiliate society
  • A joint capital campaign with the AAPG Foundation, supporting existing and new science initiatives that meet the required public benefit test and fulfill the missions of both organizations
  • An “AAPG University” concept in which archived recordings of AAPG webinars, or newly created recordings for this purpose, are available on demand for a fee.

Watch your EXPLORER for more as these projects mature.

“Reimagine” Bylaws Proposal Defeated in the House of Delegates

On May 31, our House of Delegates voted on the “Reimagine” proposed new Bylaws. The decision before them was either “Yes”: allow them to pass out for all members to consider, or “No”: stop the package from further consideration. While the affirmative vote achieved a comfortable majority, it did not reach the high bar of a two-thirds supermajority, thus it failed.  
Regardless of which way you would have voted had you been given the chance, all members need to come together and keep AAPG moving forward in a positive, productive manner. We all seek the same end, namely a thriving organization that serves current and future generations of geoscientists as we deliver energy for the world. Given the Reimagine framework was not progressed, we will need to find alternatives and your participation matters.
To remind us all one more time, I asked ChatGPT to summarize the value of belonging to a professional society. The answer is:
“…the value of belonging to a professional society is multifaceted, encompassing networking, continuous learning, personal development, access to exclusive resources, and a sense of community. These benefits collectively enhance both personal satisfaction and professional success, making membership in a professional society a worthwhile investment for any dedicated professional.

And there you have it. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Audere est facere,
Claudia J. Hackbarth

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