It’s a New Year: What’s in DPA for You?

Houston’s hot, muggy weather signals the new fiscal year in AAPG and its divisions, and with this comes officer changes. I envy those of you living in more hospitable settings this time of year!

Bruce Falkenstein has been an exemplary president of the Division of Professional Affairs, leading his Executive Committee in revisions to the bylaws, increasing efficiency and effectiveness. He has also been a thoughtful mentor and steward as we’ve moved through the process. As I succeed Bruce as president, I am in awe of the task the entire Committee completed over his term as DPA president; the enthusiasm and devotion to enhancing DPA were always evident.

Recent Revisions

As Bruce outlined in his last column, some of these revisions provide for certification as a subject matter expert in several areas:

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Houston’s hot, muggy weather signals the new fiscal year in AAPG and its divisions, and with this comes officer changes. I envy those of you living in more hospitable settings this time of year!

Bruce Falkenstein has been an exemplary president of the Division of Professional Affairs, leading his Executive Committee in revisions to the bylaws, increasing efficiency and effectiveness. He has also been a thoughtful mentor and steward as we’ve moved through the process. As I succeed Bruce as president, I am in awe of the task the entire Committee completed over his term as DPA president; the enthusiasm and devotion to enhancing DPA were always evident.

Recent Revisions

As Bruce outlined in his last column, some of these revisions provide for certification as a subject matter expert in several areas:

  • Resource and reserve evaluation and reporting
  • Conventional resource evaluation
  • Unconventional resource evaluation
  • Well planning, well operations and health and safety and environment
  • Environmental geosciences
  • Geomodeling, geostatistics, data analytics and AI

Your DPA has undergone significant revisions, making it a dynamic platform for further developing mid-career geoscientists. Our focus is clear: to equip our members with the necessary tools for a long-term professional career.

Why DPA?

Reflecting on my journey as an AAPG member, I recall when someone suggested I apply for DPA membership. I was taken aback and asked, “What’s DPA?” It has since become apparent that some AAPG members might be unaware of the advantages of DPA. As the incoming president, one of my primary goals is to enhance the visibility of DPA and, in turn, boost its membership. So, if you, too, are wondering why you should join DPA or even if you are not aware of this division, we’re here to help.

From the AAPG website:

The Division of Professional Affairs was established in 1968 and seeks to:

  • Promote professionalism and ethical standards
  • Provide a means for professional certification of petroleum geologists, coal geologists and petroleum geophysicists
  • Assist in career planning
  • Improve the professional well-being of AAPG members

Some of this is a repeat from earlier columns over the last year(s); however, with all the publications, emails and daily life coming across your desk, it’s easy to overlook or put off reading some of the articles until later. Sometimes, we need something repeated to grab our attention. So, since Bruce and the rest of the Committee have done the heavy lifting to make the DPA more efficient and effective, I intend to highlight the value of membership in the DPA and AAPG going forward. I suggest returning to Bruce’s previous columns if you want more details about the changes. Additional information for membership and application is on the DPA website at www.AAPG/divisions/DPA.

As AAPG members, you have received emails about courses offered by the AAPG Academy. It might surprise you that the Academy, under the umbrella of the AAPG, is also supported by the DPA Continuing Education Committee and benefits from the excellent stewardship of Susan Nash and Bob Shoup. This is one of the many advantages of this Division and membership in AAPG. Just as an institution, a university or a place of business is defined by its members/employees and not the brick and mortar of the building, so are AAPG and DPA, which are defined by and operated by the membership. AAPG and DPA are its members and its people.

Finally, an organization cannot remain stagnant and serve; it must be responsive and present value. We all look for value in where our limited dollars are spent. Membership is an investment in your career. Through AAPG, DPA offers networking, career building and value-added assets for personal and professional growth. That means continuing as a member and responding as dues renewals are sent. It means recruiting your fellow geoscientists as new members. It means encouraging and mentoring young professionals to join. Join, get involved, and volunteer.

What’s in DPA for you? Check the calendar before the beginning of each month for events of interest. We want your input when you see where improvements can be made and your suggestions for courses DPA can provide. Feel free to contact any officer in DPA with questions or suggestions. Numerous courses are in the works, so stay updated for announcements. We welcome suggestions for events and courses that will add value to your career development.

Please contact us if you need more information, wish assistance applying for membership or have questions or suggestions. Please email your inquiry to [email protected]. We look forward to a year of service to you.

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