Sustainable Energy for Future Generations

SPE/AAPG/SEG Oil and Natural Gas Technology Symposium

On June 12, 2024, the Society of Petroleum Engineers, together with AAPG and the Society for Exploration Geophysicists, conducted a one-day symposium on the theme, “Sustainable Energy for Future Generations.”

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Speakers in the final panel, “A Future Workforce,” from left: Trey Martin of StarTex Field Services, LLC, Tramond Baisden of Shell, Vicky Gao of Shell, Blessing Ezealigo of UNC-Chapel Hill and Dan Domeracki of UNC-Chapel Hill as moderator

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On June 12, 2024, the Society of Petroleum Engineers, together with AAPG and the Society for Exploration Geophysicists, conducted a one-day symposium on the theme, “Sustainable Energy for Future Generations.”

This exclusive event, hosted at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C., was designed to provide a unique opportunity for senior technical leaders and policymakers from the federal government (executive and legislative), think tanks, associations and others in the federal capital community who work with the oil and natural gas and energy community as well as other interested industries to network, exchange best practices and develop actionable strategies.

Chairperson Jim Slutz of the National Petroleum Council opened the symposium and was followed by Jim White, executive director of SEG, who spoke on behalf of the leaders of the three societies, noting, “Our societies have faced severe headwinds in our quest to maintain relevancy as professional organizations. As a result, we now understand the importance of collaboration, specifically as a collective group, to overcome these challenges together. This symposium was created to leverage each society’s strengths and create a platform for industry leaders, policymakers, as well as our newer foundational contributors from the geosciences and engineering backgrounds. In doing so, we provided key information and data points from experts to better educate our audience to make more knowledgeable decisions to our energy challenges.”

The one-day program consisted of various panels that included both panelists’ discussion and audience participation:

  • An opening dialogue that addressed what sustainability means and how society can develop systems that meet its needs for affordability, reliability and environmental stewardship while minimizing community impacts and other issues
  • “Evolving Energy Systems – Change At-Scale” addressed the question, “Why is a systems approach to energy required?”
  • “Technology and Policy Changing the Existing Energy System” discussed the fact that reducing GHG emissions is a problem that requires serious solutions. More than 40 percent of the energy produced today in the United States is natural gas, but producing and delivering natural gas also emits about 8 percent of the country’s GHG emissions. A new report shows the potential to eliminate more than half of the GHG emissions in the natural gas supply chain.
  • The final panel, “A Future Workforce,” showcased four young professionals with three to eight years of experience who represented the next generation of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals in interdisciplinary energy disciplines. They discussed their career journeys, as well as the United States’ STEM deficit, the path forward in energy and key questions needed to drive toward framing solutions.

Special thanks to the sponsors who helped underwrite this symposium: AAPG Foundation; Advanced Resources International, Inc.; Chevron; the Cynthia and Goerge Mitchell Foundation; Energis, LLC; InLocation; Intek, Inc.; the SPE National Capital Section; the U.S. Geological Survey; and the U.S. Capital Visitor Center and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee for hosting the symposium.

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