Editor’s note: Circumstances regarding the executive director search have changed slightly since this article was published. One face-to-face interview with the third finalist remains to be held in January in order to complete the full evaluation. Hopefully, the new executive director will be announced before NAPE.
Wow, where the heck did last year go? If you are like me, the older you get, the faster the years pass.
First, I would like to update you on what is happening with the executive director search.
These past six months, a Search Committee appointed by past President Claudia Hackbarth met every other week to help find a replacement for David Curtiss, who resigned in June.
Jeff Aldrich was appointed chairman of the Committee and the members were me, President-Elect Brian Horn, VP-Regions Sa’id Al-Hajri, Chair of the Advisory Council Claudia Hackbarth, Rick Fritz – who is not only a past president and a past executive director but also represents the Foundation, AAPG Secretary Sarah Barnes, past President Charles Sternbach, past Chair of the House Robert Archer and past Treasurer Ali Sloan. AAPG Editor Matthew Pranter and AAPG Corporate Advisory Board member Cindy Yeilding also assisted.
The Committee enlisted the help of Career Development Partners out of Tulsa to do the initial screening of candidates, guide the Committee on legal issues when engaging potential candidates and administer personality tests on some finalists. CDP has regularly helped AAPG when asked to help find key staff personnel.
The Search and Interim
The application and submittal of resumes closed on Nov. 15, but by then, CDP had screened 49 applications. Between CDP and the Phase 1 team (initial screening by a smaller group of Committee members before going to the full Committee), 39 applicants did not make the initial cut.
Nine applicants were presented to the full Committee, which included resumes and letters of support and recommendations. Of those nine, eight were selected for one-hour video interviews. During the first half hour, the candidate spoke of his or her credentials and was able to ask questions about AAPG of the Committee. In the second half hour, the Committee members were allowed to ask questions of the candidate, with a final statement from the candidate on why he or she would be the best fit for the position.
In the end, four applicants were selected for an in-person interview, but one withdrew because other opportunities arose during the process.
Finally, two finalists, both members of AAPG and with degrees in geology, had a face-to-face interview with members of the Committee and key AAPG staff, both here in Houston and a live video for those in Tulsa.
The Result
What I can say at this point is that one candidate has been extended an offer to be the executive director of AAPG. It is early, and this person prefers not to be named publicly because of current employment issues, but the Committee is pleased with the way things turned out!
I know, I know -- this is a real teaser, but I hope this person can debut at NAPE, if not sooner!
I know this will be the start of a great new year for AAPG!
Susan Nash is currently acting as interim director for the Association. I hope you read the great article she wrote for the Director’s Corner about a very successful event AAPG had in Houston on Dec. 10-11 (see page 66). Machine learning and artificial intelligence are real hot buttons right now, and Susan has her fingers on the pulse of the topic. Other directors at AAPG along with Susan are running the show. Bryan Haws is the point man for the Foundation and Alan Wegner is working with Jeff Aldrich to make sure everything is running smoothly at Datapages. Vicki Beighle is handling all administrative issues. The Association is in excellent hands until the new executive director is on board.
The Year Ahead
What are your plans and priorities for 2025?
How about volunteering at your Section/Region meeting?
Putting a business card ad in the EXPLORER?
Mentor a young professional or student?
Read about the super basins around the world in publications from AAPG?
Present a technical paper at IMAGE or write a paper for the Bulletin?
I am sure we all can think of ways to extend our knowledge of the subsurface, but let AAPG be your source of information. We are the leading geoscience organization in the world, with more than 107 years of publications!
Lastly, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season this past month, regardless of which holiday you celebrate, and may we all endeavor to make our world a better place this coming year.
Next Month? Changes proposed in the ByLaws to help streamline the organization.