Distinguished Lecture Tours Announced for 2014-15

It has a new name, a new energy and a new lineup of experts, all primed to spread geoscience knowledge around the world.

“It” is AAPG’s newly named Global Distinguished Lecture Program – emphasis on the “global” – which dates back to 1941 but contuinues to be the Association’s flagship initiative for offering the latest in geologic science to AAPG affiliated geological societies and universities.

This year, 14 lecturers, supported with funding throuigh the AAPG Foundation, will spend the next year presenting talks in North America, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific Regions.

The talks will vary within a wide range of topics, from “Anatomy of a Petroleum Source Rock,” “Extensional and Transtensional Rift Basins in California and Mexico” and “An Overview of Pre-Devonian Petroleum Systems-Unique Characteristics and Elevated Risks” to “Human Kidney Stone Formation: Insights from Yellowstone, Roman Aqueducts and the Deep Microbial Biosphere.” So, whatever your area of focus, there should be something of interest for everyone.

Most tours last two-three weeks. The tours begin this month and continue through May.

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It has a new name, a new energy and a new lineup of experts, all primed to spread geoscience knowledge around the world.

“It” is AAPG’s newly named Global Distinguished Lecture Program – emphasis on the “global” – which dates back to 1941 but contuinues to be the Association’s flagship initiative for offering the latest in geologic science to AAPG affiliated geological societies and universities.

This year, 14 lecturers, supported with funding throuigh the AAPG Foundation, will spend the next year presenting talks in North America, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific Regions.

The talks will vary within a wide range of topics, from “Anatomy of a Petroleum Source Rock,” “Extensional and Transtensional Rift Basins in California and Mexico” and “An Overview of Pre-Devonian Petroleum Systems-Unique Characteristics and Elevated Risks” to “Human Kidney Stone Formation: Insights from Yellowstone, Roman Aqueducts and the Deep Microbial Biosphere.” So, whatever your area of focus, there should be something of interest for everyone.

Most tours last two-three weeks. The tours begin this month and continue through May.

This year’s slate of Distinguished Lecturers includes:

♦ Cathy Busby, professor tectonics, sedimentology and volcanology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Calif.

♦ Don Clarke, consultant, California (AAPG Ethics Lecturer).

♦ Bruce Fouke, director of the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center and professor of geology, microbiology and the Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ill. (Roy M. Huffington Lecturer).

♦ David Hale, Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colo. (AAPG/SEG Inter-Society Lecturer).

♦ Gary Hampson, reader in sedimentary geology, Imperial College, London, England (Allan P. Bennison Lecturer).

♦ Barry Katz, Chevron fellow and team leader – Hydrocarbon Charge, Houston (J. Ben Carsey Lecturer).

♦ Jeroen Kenter, senior carbonate stratigrapher/sedimentologist, ConocoPhillips, Houston.

♦ Rob Lander, scientific adviser, Geocosm, Durango, Colo., (Haas-Pratt Lecturer).

♦ Phil Manning, professor of natural history and director of Interdisciplinary Centre for Ancient Life, University of Manchester, England.

♦ Ken Miller, distinguished professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers, Piscataway, N.J. (Dean A. McGee Lecturer).

♦ Juergen Schieber, professor, geological sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.

♦ Taury Smith, consultant, Smith Stratigraphic, Albany, N.Y.

♦ Lisa Towery, senior geologist, BP America, Houston.

♦ Chris Wojcik, geophysical adviser with deepwater exploration, Shell Exploration and Production Co., Houston (Shell Lecturer).


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