The call for abstracts deadline is about to arrive for the next AAPG International Conference and Exhibition – a meeting that will be historic on many levels.
The abstract submission deadline is Jan. 15.
This year’s ICE will be held Sept. 13-16 in Melbourne, Australia – the first time AAPG has used that city as a setting for ICE. The meeting will be hosted by the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia.
It also will be the first-ever ICE that will be co-presented by AAPG and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
The meeting’s theme is “A Powerhouse Emerges: Energy for the Next 50 Years” – a perfect theme, organizers say, because of both the AAPG-SEG union as well as the marking of the 50th anniversary of the Gippsland Basin oil discovery, which unlocked Australasian market activity.
Technical program co-chairs Pete McCabe, of the University of Adelaide, and Steve Mackie, with Santos, said their goal is to build an exciting program of talks, posters, short courses and field trips that focus on recent advances in petroleum geology and geophysics.
“Although the conference will be worldwide in scope, particular attention will be paid to the petroleum potential of the Asia Pacific region,” McCabe said, “including sessions on unconventional reservoirs of the region and new and emerging E&P provinces in China, Southeast Asia, New Zealand and Australia.
In addition to the general sessions, the technical program also will feature three special symposia:
♦ The Reg Sprigg Memorial symposium will be a look back and forward for Australia’s major petroleum provinces – the Gippsland Basin, Cooper Basin and Northwest Shelf, each celebrating 50 years of exploration and production.
♦ A second symposium honors the career of Marita Bradshaw, who recently retired from Geoscience Australia, Australia’s geological survey, with a focus on the paleogeographic evolution of Australia through time and its relationship to petroleum accumulations.
♦ The third symposium, on Eastern Australasian Basins (EABS), will be coordinated by PESA and will feature recent advances in our understanding of petroleum basins along Australia’s eastern margin and across the Tasman Sea to New Zealand.
EABS and the Western Australian Basin Symposium (WABS), alternately held biannually by PESA, form the key up-to-date discussions of the petroleum basins on the Australian plate.
The remaining 18 technical program themes are:
CO2 Storage.
Environment, Regulation and Social License to Operate.
Geochemistry and Basin Modelling.
Getting More Out of Mature Basins.
New and Emerging E&P Provinces/Australia-New Zealand.
New and Emerging E&P Provinces/South East Asia.
Petroleum Systems.
Stratigraphy and Applied Palaeontology.
Structure and Tectonics.
Technologies for Unlocking the Future.
Unconventional Reservoirs.
Worldwide Frontiers – China.
Worldwide Frontiers – Other.
The abstract submission deadline is Jan. 15.
To submit an abstract, or for more information, contact Terri Duncan, technical programs coordinator, at (918) 560-2641; or email Terri Duncan; or go to the website.
Exhibition space and sponsorship opportunities also are remain available.
Melbourne, Australia, will be the site of the next AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, set Sept. 13-16. The call for abstracts continues, but the Jan. 15 deadline looms.