EMD Has Active Houston Program
'Unconventional' Aspects
The Energy Minerals Division is excited to present its technical program and activities for the upcoming AAPG Annual Convention in Houston April 9-12. EMD has a very attractive program and both EMD and AAPG members will be treated to a variety of technical sessions, short courses and a lignite field trip.
The technical program is appealing in both its breadth of topics and the quality of the papers to be presented.
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The Energy Minerals Division is excited to present its technical program and activities for the upcoming AAPG Annual Convention in Houston April 9-12. EMD has a very attractive program and both EMD and AAPG members will be treated to a variety of technical sessions, short courses and a lignite field trip.
The technical program is appealing in both its breadth of topics and the quality of the papers to be presented.
The EMD-sponsored oral and poster sessions include:
- CO2 Sequestration — Coals/Shales/Produced and Unproduced Reservoirs as Sequestration Targets (co-sponsored with DEG).
- Coalbed Methane — Pushing the Technical Envelope in Defining Producibility.
- Unconventional Reservoirs — Breaking Paradigms.
- Fractured Clastics and Carbonates — What Constrains Their Reservoir Limits?
- Gas Hydrates — Emerging Hydrate Deposits: Indices of Active Petroleum Systems Leading to Recognition of Future Energy Targets.
- Advances and Applications in Geospatial Information Technology: Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS and GPR.
The on Tuesday, April 11, will feature EMD division awards and guest speaker Peter Dea, president and CEO of Western Gas Resources in Denver. His talk, titled “Perfecting the Search for Unconventional Resource Plays,” will address the multi-disciplined aspects necessary to unlock the riches in unconventional gas.
Development results of the last decade show dramatic success as this resource leads the U.S. gas supply growth, reserve additions, technology advancements, environmental mitigation and drives major pipeline projects.
EMD is offering three pre-meeting short courses:
- “EOR and the Expanding Field of Carbon Dioxide Flooding” (Course #11, Saturday April 8, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) will provide an overview of the modern practices of CO2 enhanced oil recovery and is geared toward geoscientists and managers who are familiar with oil reservoirs but not necessarily conversant in enhanced recovery techniques. Topics covered include worldwide activity/interest in sequestration and CO2 EOR, current projects and databases, climate concerns regarding emissions capture, and residual oil zones. Case studies of ongoing floods and current procedures will be highlighted throughout the course.
- “Introduction to GIS for Petroleum Exploration and Development” (Course #12, Saturday April 8, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) is a timely and exciting course to bring geoscientists up to date with geographic information systems and to understand how this powerful technology is increasingly being applied today in exploration and production. Many companies now feature spatial databases, and AAPG will be building its own soon.
As a special feature of this course, four instructors will cover private, university and industry experiences, so the material will have wide appeal to AAPG members.
- A core workshop (Course #13, Friday April 8, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) on “Core Analysis for Exploration and Development of Sorbed Gas Reservoir Systems,” which features many renowned instructors and will demonstrate the importance of drilling, sampling and analyzing coalbed methane and shale gas reservoirs.
The course supports technically sound, financially prudent evaluation/development of these complex reservoirs, and is a must for gaining a better understanding of how core analysis can play a critical role in reservoir characterization and risk reduction during exploration and development of coal and shale gas reservoir systems.
- The post-meeting EMD field trip (Trip #10) is “Environments of Deposition of Texas Lignites: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly,” which will be held on Thursday, April 13. Participants will examine various Texas Eocene lignite deposits and enjoy a Texas barbeque lunch. A special poster presentation will be held at the Lake Somerville spillway to observe fluvial settings. A visit to the ALCOA Sandow open-cast mine will highlight deltaic environments and include observation of mining and reclamation technology as well as power plant and aluminum processing operations.
The EMD leadership/business meeting will be held from 1-5 p.m. on Saturday, April 8, at the Hilton Americas Hotel.
The 2006 AAPG Annual Convention in Houston is going to be one of the organization’s largest, and EMD has an inspiring program. We encourage all AAPG members to discover the “unconventional” aspects of the Energy and Minerals Division.
We look forward to seeing y’all in Houston!