Pacific Section Report

This year’s AAPG Section meeting schedule starts right after the convention in Houston — and the first one is about as far away from Texas as you can get in the United States.

The Pacific Section meeting will be held May 8-10 in Anchorage, Alaska, held jointly with the Geological Society of America’s Cordilleran Section and the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Western Region.

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This year’s AAPG Section meeting schedule starts right after the convention in Houston — and the first one is about as far away from Texas as you can get in the United States.

The Pacific Section meeting will be held May 8-10 in Anchorage, Alaska, held jointly with the Geological Society of America’s Cordilleran Section and the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Western Region.

“North to Alaska: Geoscience, Technology and Natural Resources” is the meeting theme, which will be examined with papers, posters, field trips, workshops, short courses and special events that take advantage of the geologic setting.

The keynote address, presented by Henry Posamentier of Anadarko Petroleum, will be on “3-D Seismic Expression of Deep Water Depositional Elements: Reducing Risk of Lithology Prediction.”

Technical sessions will range from “Petroleum Geology of Northern Alaska and the Brooks Range,” to the issues of rural energy in Alaska. You also can opt to hear the latest thinking on the “Geology of the Circum-Arctic,” “Active Tectonics of the Northern Cordillera” and “Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic Paleogeography of Northern Alaska.”

Volcano hazards and monitoring also will be addressed, along with “Geoscience Education and Public Outreach in Alaska — Unique Problems, Unique Solutions,” plus a discussion of Arctic gas resources.

And since no visit to Alaska is complete without sampling the region’s amazing geology, the following field trips are offered:

  • Chugach Accretionary Prism and Resurrection Bay Ophiolite.
  • Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic Forearc Basins of the Matanuska Valley.
  • Prince William Sound Tidewater Glacier Tour (boat trip).
  • Denali National Park: Mesozoic Marine and Cenozoic Nonmarine Basins, Tertiary Volcanics and the Modern Denali Fault.
  • Kuparak River Oil Field Tour, North Slope, Alaska.
  • Quaternary Climate Change in Southern Alaska: The Record from Glaciers, Dust, Dunes and Dirt.
  • Anchorage 1964 earthquake tour.

Detailed information can be found online at

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