EMD Announces Technical Awards
The Energy Minerals Division has
announced its technical award winners for
the best presentations at the AAPG Annual
Convention in Calgary. The winners are:
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The Energy Minerals Division has
announced its technical award winners for
the best presentations at the AAPG Annual
Convention in Calgary. The winners are:
Frank Kottlowski Memorial Award
(best paper) -- W.C Riese, G.K. Arp, A.
Sanford, G. Snyder and W.L. Pelzmann, for
"Methane Seeps, Public Hazards and
Seismicity: Hydrocarbon System Analysis of
Coalbed Methane in the San Juan Basin as
a Tool to Understanding."
President's Certificate for Excellence
(oral presentation) -- G. Ulrich, Mark
Finkelstein, J. Weber and R. DeBruyn, for
"Active Biogenesis of Methane in
Wyoming's Powder River Basin."
Best Poster Award -- H.H. Roberts,
R.H. Fillon and L.M. Casthles, for "Shelf-
Edge Deltas, Linked Downslope Deposits
and Gas Hydrates: High and Low Sea Level
Responses, Northern Gulf of Mexico."
President's Certificate for Excellence
(poster presentation):
- M. Cameron, S.R. Bereskin, J.
Kieschnick and R. Suarez-Rivera for Facies
Architecture and Lithologic Heterogeneity:
A Precursor to Productivity in the Barnett
Shale-Newark East Field, North Central
- T. Nardin, H.R. Feldman, J.P. Irish, D.
Jannette and D. Heyser, for "Subsurface
Facies Calibration of Large-Scale Fluvial-
Estuarine Point Bars in the McMurray
Formation, Syncrude North Mine, Alberta."
- T. Nardin, H.R. Feldman, J.P. Irish, D.
Jannette and D. Heyser, for "Quantification
of Reservoir Heterogeneity in 50-Meter-
Thick Estuarine Point Bar Facies --
McMurray Formation, Syncrude North Mine,