CSPG Announces Canadian Core Conference to follow Annual Meeting
This year's annual Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists' Core Conference, a cornerstone of the CSPG' technical offerings, will be held June 23-24 in Calgary, immediately following the AAPG Annual Convention.
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This year's annual Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists' Core Conference, a cornerstone of the CSPG' technical offerings, will be held June 23-24 in Calgary, immediately following the AAPG Annual Convention.
Because of the potential for record-setting attendance numbers -- thanks to being held at the end of the AAPG meeting -- the session is being organized to cover the broad spectrum of interest of the AAPG convention attendees.
The venue will be (as it has been for the past 35 years) the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board Core Research Centre, the world's largest and most functional facility of its kind.
The conference theme is "Exploring Energy Systems," and some 30 core displays -- with supporting posters -- will be organized into three sub-themes:
- Unconventional -- Displays including coal-bed methane, tight-gas and oil-sands/heavy-oil cores from Canada and the United States.
- Conventional -- Displays of both sandstone and carbonate reservoirs representative of the varied producing zones in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Canadian Frontier examples will include the Mackenzie Delta, Scotian Shelf, Northwest Territories and Grand Banks.
- Frontier/international hydrocarbon systems -- Displays from regions such as the Alaskan North Slope, Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea, and countries such as Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Mexico and Yemen.
The Core Conference cost is an additional registration fee of $30 U.S., which covers attendance for both days, a core-manual publication and entry to the "Core Meltdown," an informal BBQ and refreshments party on the event's final day.