APPEX London Attracts Executives

This year for New Year's Eve I returned to an old family tradition of staying up most of the night.

Back in the '50s and '60s my mom and dad and many of our relatives would stay up all night enjoying each others' company, playing cards and other games. At about 3 a.m. we would go bowling and then come back to our house for a huge breakfast.

It seemed like a lot of fun at the time.

To welcome in 2005 we held a similar party with friends and their kids, except that we replaced the bowling with karaoke singing. We did not understand why none of the kids or adults were getting sleepy until we realized that it was our rather poor singing that was keeping everyone awake.

Sometimes, even as a scientist, I do not recognize cause and effect immediately.

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This year for New Year's Eve I returned to an old family tradition of staying up most of the night.

Back in the '50s and '60s my mom and dad and many of our relatives would stay up all night enjoying each others' company, playing cards and other games. At about 3 a.m. we would go bowling and then come back to our house for a huge breakfast.

It seemed like a lot of fun at the time.

To welcome in 2005 we held a similar party with friends and their kids, except that we replaced the bowling with karaoke singing. We did not understand why none of the kids or adults were getting sleepy until we realized that it was our rather poor singing that was keeping everyone awake.

Sometimes, even as a scientist, I do not recognize cause and effect immediately.

One cause and effect for AAPG in 2005 is the new direction of our APPEX (AAPG Prospect and Property Exhibition) program. This year our program will be more international in scope, especially with our APPEX London program scheduled for Feb. 28-March 6. This is our fourth annual APPEX London meeting, and like last year we will meet in the Ibis Hotel in West Brompton.

APPEX London is one of the most unusual international events in the petroleum industry meeting schedule. It is designed to be a key international "business forum" and exposition for decision makers around the world.

APPEX London is operated by AAPG with endorsement from the Geological Society of London, the Energy Institute, the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers and the UK Department of Trade and Industry. IHS is the industry sponsor for the APPEX Global Perspectives Forum, with ABN-AMRO sponsoring the Finance Forum.

The complementary finance forum kicks off the event on Monday afternoon, Feb. 28, designed to bring together petroleum company executives with key financial sector executives from London and around the world:

  • The early afternoon session is titled "Oil and Gas Company Perspectives."
  • The late afternoon session concentrates on "Financial Company Perspectives."

The program's second day -- Tuesday, March 1 -- offers a global perspective forum on the UK and Europe. In this:

  • The morning session includes talks on new opportunities in the North Sea as well as an overview and perspective of opportunities outside of the North Sea, such as coalbed methane in Europe.
  • The early afternoon session is on the potential of new European states; a late afternoon session is an "Investment Opportunities Forum," during which exhibiting entities will have opportunities to present their investment opportunities to attendees.

The program for Wednesday and Thursday, March 2-3, is a "Global Perspectives Forum" sponsored by IHS Energy that includes discussion of global oil and gas supplies and E&P hotspots around the world, including global deepwater and frontier regions.

Also, a special executive panel session is scheduled for Thursday afternoon on "Drivers for E&P Growth -- Keys to E&P Success." Many senior executives have committed to presentations at this year's APPEX London event.

Complete program information can be found at, where you also can register or order a booth online.

In addition to the APPEX conference program, of course, we will once again offer a superb exhibition composed of upstream opportunities. APPEX London is well attended by key decision makers in the industry and, as such, is a great place to meet and network.

We think you will find that the event is value priced, with attendees and exhibitors alike receiving a great deal of information and opportunity for the price of registration.

AAPG's second international prospect and property opportunity is our endorsement of the North American Prospect Exhibition. We are joining forces with the American Association of Petroleum Landmen, the Independent Petroleum Producers of America and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists to develop a strong intersociety NAPE program. AAPG is expected to lend both strong domestic and international support to the program.

We will include more about our involvement with NAPE in the next few months after we complete the corporate arrangements.

Staying up all night was fun when I was a kid, but it's a lot tougher the older I get. In 2005, we are excited about the future -- and any "burning of the midnight oil" will be concentrated on the many opportunities for the AAPG membership.

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