As global energy resources become more scarce and worldwide energy demand increases, the future success of our petroleum and energy minerals industry never has been so critical. The outstanding technical program to be offered in June at the upcoming AAPG Annual Convention in Calgary covers a wide spectrum of topics, providing our member geoscientists with the very latest information and methodologies to aid in their successful search for hydrocarbons and energy minerals.
Today, more than ever, any successful exploration or production project must consider and satisfy a broad array of environmental and other cultural factors to ensure compliance with environmentally protective regulations, and to fulfill the expectations of an increasingly watchful and concerned society.
To address these critical member and industry needs, the Division of Environmental Geosciences (DEG) is offering "Hydrocarbons, Environment and Society" as one of the major technical emphases at Calgary. This outstanding program presents a diversity of focused offerings of value " not only to environmental professionals, but also to managers and geoscientists involved with planning and implementing any successful petroleum and energy minerals exploration and production project.
This emphasis features:
- Pre-convention short course " "Exploration and Production Issues in the Rainforest."
- Pre-convention field trips " Two are planned:
- "Renewable Energy: Tour of an Innovative Landfill Gas Operation in Calgary and a State-of-the-Art Wind Farm in the Southern Alberta Foothills."
- "Sour Gas Production and Acid Gas Injection in the Rocky Mountain Foothills and Alberta Plains " Source to Sink."
- DEG/EMD luncheon " "Marginal Carbons Key to Prosperity," featuring Jim Dinning, chairman of the Canadian Clean Power Coalition.
Dinning also serves as executive vice president of Calgary-based TransAlta Corporation, where his focus lies in clean coal technology, particularly as it applies to providing energy and feedstock to Alberta's expanding oil sands and petrochemical industries.
- Technical Programs " "Hydrocarbons, Environment and Society," featuring specific sessions on:
- Carbon Management and Acid Gas Injection.
- Renewable Energy.
- Best Practices in Environmentally Sensitive Areas.
- Environmental Issues Associated with Unconventional Resources.
- Water and the Petroleum Industry.
I invite all of you to attend the outstanding program being offered in Calgary. There is something for everyone at the "Global Roundup " Exploring Energy Systems," including the excellent DEG technical sessions, field trips, luncheon and short course. I urge you all to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to stay current with the latest in environmental applications and issues pertinent to the petroleum and energy minerals industry " and to connect with your colleagues and industry peers.
The livelihood of every single member of AAPG is affected either directly or indirectly by environmental issues related to the industry in which we work. Therefore, it is in every AAPG member's best interest to actively support DEG's mission by becoming an active DEG member and by attending this outstanding conference in June.
From independents to majors, from students to professors, from consultants to regulators; we all win by showcasing, communicating and sharing our collective knowledge and environmental success stories by actively participating in the DEG.
DEG is for everyone in AAPG!
I look forward to seeing YOU in Calgary!