Registration Opens Online for Paris

The technical program is set and online registration is now open for this year's AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, to be held Sept. 11-14 in Paris, France.

The meeting, which will be held at the CNIT Conference and Exhibition Centre, marks the first time an AAPG international conference has been held in Paris. The general chairman is Jean-Marie Masset, with Total.

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The technical program is set and online registration is now open for this year's AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, to be held Sept. 11-14 in Paris, France.

The meeting, which will be held at the CNIT Conference and Exhibition Centre, marks the first time an AAPG international conference has been held in Paris. The general chairman is Jean-Marie Masset, with Total.

The meeting's general theme is "New Tracks to New Highs," and the technical program is grouped around three points:

  • "New Insights Into Petroleum Provinces."
  • "New Tracks in E&P Activity."
  • "New Techniques and Concepts -- Addressing New Challenges."
  • The technical program includes two forums, both featuring officials from the world's major oil companies, and both designed to address today's business and geopolitical climate. They are:
  • "Management Forum -- Middle East E&P Business, Technical Challenges."
  • "Business Challenges for New E&P Operations."

Other highlights include a large exhibits hall, featuring the latest in technology and scientific information.

A ticketed luncheon on Monday, Sept. 12, will feature John Ludden, research director of the Earth Sciences Division at the CNRS, who will speak on "The Evolution of Geology in the 21st Century."

Complete meeting information, including registration and technical abstracts, can be found online at

Those who register by Aug. 23 can save up to $280 on their registration fee. Also, Paris is booked with numerous conferences in September, and all are encouraged to make travel and lodging arrangements as soon as possible.

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