The program is being finalized, but the time to start
preparing for the year's premier international meeting is now.
The AAPG International Conference and Exhibition will be held
Oct. 24-27 in Cancun, Mexico, sponsored by AAPG and the Asociacion
Mexicana de Geologos Petroleros.
The meeting's theme is "Petroleum Industry in the 21st Century:
Technology, Business and Frontiers."
The three major themes (technology, business and frontiers), offered
via 24 oral and 18 poster sessions, are being grouped to allow registrants
time to focus on specific topics.
Some of the technical topics set for Cancun will include:
- State-of-the-art exploration and prediction practices in deep
- Developing and producing oil and gas.
- Major recent discoveries and production practices in the Gulf
of Mexico, Brazil and West Africa.
- Interpretations of seismic amplitudes, fault seals, 3-D seismic
and 4-D basin scale models.
- Carbonate reservoirs.
- Production from fractures.
- Production and drilling practices.
- Environmental issues.
- Heavy oil production.
And for geologists interested in the host country -- and in recognition
of the 100-year anniversary of petroleum geology in Mexico -- the
AMGP has arranged a series of field trips, short courses and an
exciting oral and poster session on Mexican basins, present and
Also, corporate managers will present their views in Management
Forums devoted to technology and business.
This entire program will be augmented by geological field trips
and short courses provided by AMGP and AAPG before and after the
And finally, to truly take advantage of the opportunities provided
by Cancun and Yucatan, we also will offer ecological tours to the
jungles, beaches and reefs, and spectacular ruins of Mayan ports,
temples and cities.
The final meeting announcement will be available in March.