DVD Gives Pacific Rim Overview

An energy blueprint for the next 50 years in the Pacific Rim is now available in DVD format from the AAPG Bookstore.

"Perspectives for Energy" is a two-disk set that captures a series of 11 presentations, released by the Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Stanford University, and the U.S. Geological Survey.

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An energy blueprint for the next 50 years in the Pacific Rim is now available in DVD format from the AAPG Bookstore.

"Perspectives for Energy" is a two-disk set that captures a series of 11 presentations, released by the Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Stanford University, and the U.S. Geological Survey.

The DVD set offers an overview of the challenges raised by regional exploration and development. Petroleum exploration, renewable energy, industrial ecology, energy economics and even rural electrification in Third World countries are all covered.

The DVD was produced at Stanford, and many of the video presentations include PowerPoint presentations of the speakers' lecture slides.

Included are:

  • Nahum Schneidermann, ChevronTexaco, "Global Distribution of Oil, Gas and Coal."
  • Merwin Brown, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, "Unified Vision for Renewable Electricity Generation, Distributed Energy and Hydrogen."
  • Joel Swisher, Rocky Mountain Institute, "Reconciling Economic and Environmental Goals with Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy."
  • Christopher Flavin, Worldwatch Institute, "The Coming Energy Revolution: Why the Fossil Fuel Age is Doomed and What Will Replace It."
  • Peter Rozelle, U.S. Department of Energy, "Industrial Ecology in the Energy Business: Getting the Squeal Out of the Pig."
  • Andrew McAllister, Energy Solutions, "Real-World Programs for Energy Efficiency and Rural Electrification."
  • Frances Wood, OnLocation Inc., "Basics of Modeling Energy Demand and Power Supply."
  • Hillard Huntington, Stanford Energy Modeling Forum, "The Great Energy Transformation: Reforming the Electric Power Sector."
  • John Imle, retired Unocal vice chairman, "Gas — the Fuel of the 21st Century: Economic, Environmental, Ethical and Political Issues of Selected Natural Gas Projects."
  • Yonghun Jung, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre, "APEC Energy Demand and Supply: Implications of Energy Trends."
  • Kai Anderson, legislative director for U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, "A National Energy Plan or Wasted Energy?"

"Perspectives on Energy" is available through the AAPG Bookstore for $50 (catalog no. 716-03). Order online; or order toll free (USA & Canada) at (800) 364-AAPG.

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