"New Tracks to New Highs" is the theme of the 2005 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, to be held in Paris, France, on Sept. 11-14.
This conference, chaired by Jean-Marie Masset (Total) and Gérard Friès (IFP), features a theme that reflects the exciting challenge facing the oil and gas geoscience community in the coming decades.
We in our industry need to contribute decisively to the increasing energy needs of the world. This means:
- Devising efficient and environmentally friendly new technologies based on active industrial and academic research.
- Opening new regional opportunities.
- Continuing the successful deepwater venture.
- Tackling aggressively complex and unconventional plays.
- Improving the production of giant fields.
- Increasing the production of the huge resources of heavy oils and non-conventional hydrocarbons.
- Ensuring the education of new generations of skillful geoscientists.
The proposed technical program for Paris is clearly designed to attract abstracts addressing these hot topics. It is divided into three major sections:
New insights into petroleum provinces, from mature giant fields to recent successes in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, North Sea and adjacent onshore basins, Peri-Caspian and Siberian basins, Circum-Mediterranean basins, East-Atlantic margin and Sub-Saharan Africa basins, Arabian Peninsula and Gulf region.
New tracks in E&P activity, including:
- Management forums.
- Business and environmental challenges.
- Sustainable development.
- Making the most of mature fields.
- Maximizing the value of gas resources.
- Deep and ultra-deep water development optimization and challenges.
- New and unconventional plays.
- Petroleum assets and risk management.
- New geoscientists for E&P challenges, data management and knowledge systems.
New techniques for addressing new challenges, including:
- Evolving stratigraphic techniques and interpretation.
- Improving recovery of carbonate and clastic reservoirs.
- Diagenetic modeling in carbonate and siliciclastic reservoirs.
- Technical challenges and solutions for IOR and EOR.
- Advances in reservoir modeling, applications of rocks and fluid geochemistry.
- Advances in basin and petroleum system modeling.
- Three-D and 4-D seismic imaging and interpretation.
- Faults and fractures modeling and flow.
- Improved understanding of plays related to salt and shale tectonics.
- New plays in rift and passive margin settings.
- New concepts in exploring compressional provinces.
- Data while drilling and from borehole monitoring.
This technical program will be complemented by exciting field trips in the European and Middle East regions, plus timely short courses.
Prestigious Paris definitely will be the meeting place of those who care for providing the future resources for the petroleum and gas industry in the perspective of sustainable development and respect of our environment.
The call for abstracts was inserted in the October EXPLORER, and can be found online at www.aapg.org/paris/.
Deepwater Frontier Symposium
The IPA Deepwater and Frontier Symposium, co-sponsored by AAPG, will be held Dec. 7-8 in Jakarta, Indonesia, at the Regent Hotel.
Information can be found online in the international regions section of the AAPG Web site, www.aapg.org.
New Europe Region Officers
Election results have been announced for AAPG's European Region. The winners are:
- President-elect -- John Brooks, Brookwood, England. (He will assume the Region's presidency July 1.)
- Vice president -- Mike Lakin, London, England.
- House of Delegates -- Jonathan Green, Geneva, Switzerland; and Carol Lucas.
They join Region officers Sigrunn Johnsen, Oslo, Norway, president; Francois Roure, Rueil-Malmaison, France, secretary; and Andrew Hurst, Aberdeen, Scotland, advisory council, on the leadership team.