2009-10 Officer Slate Set
Candidates Announced
Officer candidates for the 2009-10 term have been announced by the AAPG
Executive Committee.
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Officer candidates for the 2009-10 term have been announced by the AAPG
Executive Committee.
Candidate biographies and individual information will be published on the AAPG
Web site and inserted in an upcoming EXPLORER.
The president-elect winner will serve as AAPG president in 2010-11. The terms
for both vice president-Regions and secretary are two years.
Ballots will be mailed in spring 2009.
The slate is:
- Donald D. Clarke, geological consultant, Lakewood, Calif.
- David G. Rensink, Apache Corp., Houston.
Vice President-Regions
- Adekunle A. Adesida, Shell Petroleum Development, Nigeria.
- Alfredo E. Guzman, consultant, Veracruz, Mexico.
- William S. Houston, Samson, Denver.
- Peter MacKenzie, MacKenzie Land & Exploration, Worthington, Ohio.