The AAPG Women’s Network is excited to provide attendees at next month’s International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy with a variety of events throughout the conference. There is something for everyone!
A pre-convention short course titled “Reservoir Engineering for Geologists” will be taught by Yogashri Pradhan. She is currently a reservoir engineer at Coterra Energy and has worked as an engineer in the industry for the last seven years.
As the conference begins on Monday, AAPGWN, the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Women’s Network, AAPG Young Professionals, and SEG JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) groups will be facilitating a panel and round-table discussion about what geoscience will look like in the future. We will kick off the event with a keynote presentation from Kimberly Wilson, managing director at TLR Search.
The panel will consist of a great lineup of industry experts including:
- Lillian Flakes, global operations program director at GeoSoftware and SEG JEDI Committee vice-chair
- Jonathan Allen, senior Earth scientist at Chevron and AAPG Secretary
- Courtney Anzalone Steichen, geophysicist and co-chair of LGBT+ Allies group at Schlumberger
- Leah Turner, director of GeoSTEM Career Exploration and Workforce Development at UT Austin
- Richard Ball, director of Geology for Detring Energy Advisors.
You do not want to miss this!
Plan to join us for our Tuesday luncheon, “Aging U.S. Shale Wells: Years of Remaining Opportunities or Growing Asset Retirement Obligations?”, featuring Laura Freeman. She is the managing director and founder of Highpoint Global Capital. She founded Highpoint in 2016 and specializes in technical valuation, financing and navigating the complexities of deal making.
Wednesday morning, start the day with networking and a mimosa at Phoenicia Specialty Foods to start the last day of the conference. AAPGWN is honored to host this event with SEGWN and the Association for Women Geoscientists. There will be no shortage of opportunities to connect with old colleagues, meet new friends and discuss the industry.
Throughout the conference AAPGWN and SEGWN would love to have you stop by our booth to learn more about the women’s networks of each society, what we have to offer and volunteer opportunities.
We are always evolving, growing and looking for new energy within the organizations! Check the program for booth location.